We at the nationals would like to invite you and your club to Peterborough showground on the 23-25th may 2014 to our brand new area the French quarter!
Get together with your club and friends in your own dedicated area the frenchquarter at the nationals.
The French quarter will be within the showground in a position where you can show your car for one or both days. Ideal if you buy a day ticket and you can’t stay all day or if you want to come for the weekend and don’t want to enter the show car competition or Top 50.
Unlike other areas ( club stands, Top 50) there is no restriction on vehicle movement so those that arrive on a day ticket after 9am can still show their car and if they want to leave at 3pm they can do.
You can arrive in the Show & Shine area at any time and leave when you choose as there are no vehicle movement restrictions in this area.
You can also venture out of the French quarter and visit 1000 of other showcars in the mixed clubs,vag,jappower,the top50 or see our custom and hot rod show! in the barn with live bands!, theres also the large trade area inside and outside the hall,top25 in the hall and the live display area (tba).
But when the days over this show carries on into the night! With 3 rooms over 2 nights plus the adrenalin Funfair with Dodgems – (Always a firm Favorite), night market, Bars & Food, there is something for everyone at this year’s event.
check out
for more info and updates

Clubs receive discounted weekend tickets
Club tickets come with a free stand space in the FRENCH QUARTER Club Area.
The minimum number of cars on a club stand is just 5.
Book in as many cars as you want on your stand.
All club tickets include the whole weekend package for less than a normal night out.
Get together, meet your mates and have a great weekend,
EMAIL yorkie@frenchquarteruk.co.uk
OR TEL - 08444 15 14 13
For your Club Pack and book your stand now!!!
10% discounts in Dec & Jan...