BX mk1 16v Fuel pump issue?

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BX mk1 16v Fuel pump issue?

Post by mac1776 »

Hi Guys, now the weather is allegedly improving it is time to make a start on getting the old girl to start !!
Compressions & sparks are good but no fuel is getting through to the injectors when the engine is cranked over.
Fuel is pumped as far as the fuel rail when the ign switch goes through to start but when the switch is released back to the run position the fuel stops flowing,is this normal?
Surely the pump should be running in the 'run' mode on the ign switch? Any ideas/pointers would be appreciated before I attempt to give it a go on Tuesday.
Many thanks in advance
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Re: BX mk1 16v Fuel pump issue?

Post by xantia_v6 »

It is designed so that the pump stops when the engine is not turning as a safety measure in case of an engine fire.
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Re: BX mk1 16v Fuel pump issue?

Post by mac1776 »

Thank you for the reply, I will give it a go on Tuesday, weather permitting !!
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Re: BX mk1 16v Fuel pump issue?

Post by Kitch »

If the injectors aren't firing, it might be worth checking the injector relay (next to the fuel pump relay).
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