Multibelt drewing with AC

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Multibelt drewing with AC

Post by senmathal »


Just wonder how to drew the multi belt on a 16 Valve with AC. I had draw it without the extra tension wheel as the bearing has ceased and now I had fix that tension wheel. It is possible to drew the belt to the tension wheel either between the crankshaft and compressor or between the compressor and alternator. Anyone who no the right way to drew it?

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Re: Multibelt drewing with AC

Post by Jaba »

It should be routed around the tensioner between the Crank pulley and the compressor. This gives extra grip on both of those pulleys as the alternator does not need more wraparound than it already has.
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Re: Multibelt drewing with AC

Post by senmathal »

But without the A/C Compressor the belt wrap more around the alternator when the belt only goes around two pulleys? But maybe you are right. When I thinking more about it i think the crankshaft pulley has the most work to do. As it is now without the tension pulley the belt slip when the compressor work. It is worst when I just stared the engine and the alternator charge at most.

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Re: Multibelt drewing with AC

Post by senmathal »

I have now Googled around on a lots of picture on similar cars like Peugeot ex. On every picture I found the belt was drewn to the tensioner between the crankshaft and the alternator. I think the belt has slipped on the crankshaft pulley and not on the A/C Compressor.

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Re: Multibelt drewing with AC

Post by Jaba »

Here is my sketch of three scenarios. My TD uses the top method which gives extra grip to the crank and compressor pulleys. The middle picture gives extra grip to the alternator and compressor only and the bottom method gives more grip to the crank and alternator.
My GTi 8v has no tensioner pulley at all and does not have any belt slip. I guess its a case of using whichever method works for your car.
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Re: Multibelt drewing with AC

Post by senmathal »

I think the important thing in my case is more grip to the crankshaft. So I don´t think the middle picture will help.

Is it A/C in your GTI with no tensioner? I also have a 16 Valve without A/C and this one has no tensioner. The load on the crankshaft maybe will be to high when both the compressor and alternator charge. The belt really slip and screaming loud on my car without the tensioner.

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Re: Multibelt drewing with AC

Post by Kaapelimies »

Buy the spec'd length belt, it will usually go in only one way ;)
But as a guess I would go with the bottom version too; Alternator has always 180deg belt on pulley, and crank (and LHM-pump, or even more). The compressor doesn't need so much, i think it's around 90 deg in a Xantia?
The travel of belt on pulley is in direct need for power of the said equipment.
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Re: Multibelt drewing with AC

Post by senmathal »

The original tension wheel is no longer available and the replacement wheel I have mounted is a little smaller. That means that the right belt will be a little to long. But now i´m really sure that the third alternative is the right.

There is no LHM pump driven by this belt. On a 16 valve the LHM pump is driven by the camshaft on the other side of the engine. Nearly impossible to tighten. But that is another problem :)

I´m also going to replace the timing belt and the leaking water pump. When I´m doing that I also take time to clean every 16 hydraulic lifters. There is some valve ticking in the engine and I hope it will be quite.

Thanks for helping me solve out the belt issue