Steering Rack Gaiter too big

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Steering Rack Gaiter too big

Post by BX Bandit »

Anyone ever done a gaiter on steering rack? The one on N/S has one end bigger than the other - yet both recesses on the rack are the same. One end fits perfectly but the other is too big to stay on. BUT, looking on PR-Net there is some additional collar looking thing which is mysteriously absent on my rack...any ideas?? (Its PAS rack)
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Post by jeremy »

You can download a set of microfiches from this site - huge file - all in PDF - and good quality. Last item under BX. There are other useful items there, most in English - and further workshop manual for the PAS if I remember correctly.
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Post by docchevron »

There should be a large rubber / plastic collar. They can be a pig to fit!

Is you're replacement rubber or plastic? If it's plastic fitting it will be near impossible! I got some rubber ones (Think they are for a 405) which is more pliable and easier to install. Of course I did mine with the engine out so it was easier still.........

If the collars missing I believe I have a couple floating around here somewhere...

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Post by BX Bandit »

Thank you Jeremy - I shall peruse and see what i can find!

Doc, this was a rack supplied by GSF and within weeks the n/s gaiter had split at the end. I shoved it up one 'notch' and forgot about it until a few weeks ago. Having bought a replacement gaiter (which itself was a bit of a b*gger to fit) there was no sign of the ring you mentioned which leads me to believe there was never one fitted!!! Arrrrgh - I am so cheesed of with this company. Thanks for the offer of one but it should be GSF who supply me with one (and pay for it to be fitted IMHO). I assume the ring just fits over the rack housing and inside the gaiter? What the bloomin eck is the point in it? Does it fit over the ram spigot or does that come off?
Thanks again guys, my patience with GSF is low low low :x
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Post by docchevron »

I've had a few, er, discussions with GSF myself over the years.
Bring back Andyspares say I!

The ring is there because the original gaitors were plastic and didn't seal well without the rubber ring of life!

It'll slide over the ram spigot just fine mate. infact if you're very lucky you may be able to persuade it over the gaitor and avoid having to remove it (as you said, they are a ba$t&rd to fit).

I'd be thinking about murdering someone if I were you..... :evil: :D

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Post by BX Bandit »

I'd be thinking about murdering someone if I were you.....
Thinking????? Already done: I put a nuclear thro the letter box last night :lol: :lol: :lol: Should of got the bits I needed first tho' :? Doh!
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Post by thanuttiscotsman »

hi there,
take the old gaitor cut off the end part and use it as a spacer and see if it fits then.

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Post by BX Bandit »

Thanks nutti but the end of old gaitor is long gone. The rest of it, if you could see it, would defy belief that its only been on the car for 18months. This rack represents my most unsatisfactory purchase from GSF (and there are others - trust me). At the end of the day, if its a fairly hard plastic/rubber ring, it is highly unlikely that it too has perished and fallen off in 18 months. So, where has it gone? It is GSF that should be paying for this ring and its fitment BUT, you have to present them with an invoice of the work carried out so if they refuse compo based on the rack being 6 months out of warranty then I'm out of pocket - whereas if I fit it myself at least I'm not throwing cash away. Look - you've got me started again !!! I'm gonna be on crime watch next month you'll see "Wanted, lunatic who killed entire UK staff of GSF, managed to escape in brilliant TD BX!!!!!!!" :lol: :lol: :lol: 8) :?
1990 BX 16V Platinum Grey
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