Team Green Tiger - BX19TGD - Back on the road

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Post by Dollywobbler »

Dollywobbler wrote:156,000 miles notched up. 320 miles covered in two days, including circumnavigating the M25. Lots of niggles building up, including knocking ARB link, bit of play in a TRE, clutch judder (it was REALLY bad first thing this morning, then cleared up a bit), lazy starter motor (can't guarantee it'll start after a long run at the mo!) and a hideous squeak from the back somewhere. I fear that's kicked in after I changed the interior...
Oh dear. I've just been reading through this thread. I need to sort some of the pictures out (after Facebook 'helpfully' changed all of the links) but the above reminded me how shagged the clutch is! I was complaining about it at 156k miles. It's now over 190k with sod all bite in it. Definitely time for a change. It still isn't slipping though, to be fair.
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Re: Re:

Post by Vanny »

Dollywobbler wrote:Definitely time for a change. It still isn't slipping though, to be fair.
You lucky lucky boy, mine is slipping something rotten, i don't need traction control as the clutch slips long before the tyres do :(

On the rear discs front, did you take the time to refurb the rear calipers before you put them back on? And bleed clean fluid through? It looks to me rather like the rear brakes aren't even trying to do anything.

In terms of upping the pressure, i personally find heavy breaking with a well loaded trailer to make a much better improvement than simply putting ballast in the boot, just a suggestion, and i must point out the trailer i have for the task lives on a private section of tarmac, and is normally loaded up to about a tonne. I try to be up to about 70mph through the speed trap before breaking down within 100 yds.
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Re: Team Green Tiger - BX19TGD - Back on the road

Post by Dollywobbler »

I didn't refurb the calipers but they needed easing back to let the new pads be fitted. They appeared to be moving well enough. I suspect the corrosion is largely due to the car doing 30,000 miles in a year with no weight in it, then spending most of 2012 parked up and not moving. I probably should have given them a bleed but the state of the bleed nipples made me reluctant to meddle.
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Re: Team Green Tiger - BX19TGD - Back on the road

Post by Dollywobbler »

Having the Green Tiger back in use is great. I much prefer using it to cart rubbish about in than the TXD. Filled it up with cardboard and scrap metal today for two tip runs. Fabulous weather for a change!
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Re: Team Green Tiger - BX19TGD - Back on the road

Post by citsncycles »

Great to see it back in use!
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Re: Team Green Tiger - BX19TGD - Back on the road

Post by Caffiend »

^ that. Lovely pics!
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Re: Team Green Tiger - BX19TGD - Back on the road

Post by Tim Leech »

Indeed, im so glad it didnt get scrapped.
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Re: Team Green Tiger - BX19TGD - Back on the road

Post by Dollywobbler »

New battery on order, but I'm now wondering whether that's the problem. She seems reluctant to start even when warm. Starter motor is about 30k miles old, fitted in 2011. There's an extra earth lead from the starter motor to the neg terminal, which reminds me that this isn't the first time I've had starting issues.

Anyway, a few more miles clocked up today. Central locking has gone deliciously random. You can't predict what will/won't unlock/lock when you operate it. It's anyone's guess! I haven't actually tried to lock it for many months but parked up in town today and could have done with it behaving. Oh well.