Rich's BX 19TRS

Tell us about life with your BX, or indeed life in general!
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Post by Stinkwheel »

Think 200 odd 2CV's in convoy Mat :)

The old days of International meetings and the like would often see this many 2CV's gather up and head off on a scenic convoy :)

Image Think this was Aidens birthday camp in april 2008 and is not a large convoy, just a nice pic.

And as for time in lifetime to finish it all, not a chance, id need 3 lifetimes to even stary all the crap i seem to have accumulated. (Rich on the other hand, keeping on topic, finishes all his projects and they all turn out very nicely usually)
Doctor Of Gonzo Journalism!!!
93 BX TZD Estate
90 BX 14TE St Tropez
93 BX 19 TXD Estate
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Post by Rich »

Update time:

I must be honest... I bought the BX as a get-me-through-the-winter-whilst-the-2cv's-are-off-the-road car back in September. Anyway after 6 months of ownership (where does the time go? :shock: ) I can safely say that I am hooked and the ol' boy has turned into a keeper :D

To Celebrate, I decided to treat it to a full once over with Michael Knighton, my local classic Citroen guy whom I have known for the best part of 20 years. I would liked to have saved a (not inconsiderable) amount of cash by doing the job myself but lack of time and a jaunt to where they drive on the wrong side looming has meant farming the work out to Michael.

Anyway. he has changed all the belts including the timing belt and tensioner, changed the fluids, the LHM and filters, put a new set of front brake pads on cos the old ones were down to the rivets, adjusted the boot lid so it shuts properly, replaced a fuse so the rear windows work and replaced a split drive shaft boot.

It now feels like a new car :D

Just a couple of tyres needed to replace the winter boots that are on it at present and it's job done.

Anyone want to buy a healthy kidney as I have one for sale?.... Either that or my 8 year old son who could probably be trained to clean chimneys :wink:
'86 2CV Dolly
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Post by Tim Leech »

BX's get under your Skin Rich, I wonder how many other people buy them as as a get you around for a bit kinda car then get smitten. Quite a few I imagine!
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Post by Rich »

I went with the BX to collect one of my 2cv's today which has been with Michael Knighton in Wellingborough having the shell restored.

Anyone for a bit of spot the difference:

Last May:


Last edited by Rich on Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
'86 2CV Dolly
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Post by Rich »

A few more pictures:






On April 9th the BX will tow the ol girl down to my mate Darren Arther in Somerset for a respray... Happy days
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Post by Rich »

My BX and I had a busy day yesterday.

I towed my 2cv down to The 2CV shop near Warminster, Somerset where my mate Darren Arther is going to treat it to a full repray.


I then spent the next 4 hours stripping the dash, doors, bonnet and boot lid and was left with back ache and this:


The BX then wafted me home in squishy seat comfort :D (much appreciated I can tell you). 330 miles done without breaking sweat.
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Post by Rich »

Whilst Melanie was hard at work essay writing this morning and Joseph was keeping my parents out of trouble, I kept myself out of the way by giving the BX a bit of spruce up with the polish.

For a 22 year old 500 quid motor at ain't come up too bad. OK! So there are still a few scratches here and there and the odd slight ding but from 10 feet away it looks great :D





It's MOT time on tuesday so fingers crossed :shock: .... And then the old boy is off on another adventure on Saturday but it's going to be over a week before I can post a full report.
Last edited by Rich on Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
'86 2CV Dolly
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Post by Tim Leech »

Stunning mate, mind you I am bias..... :D
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Post by Rich »

It passed the MOT today :D

The only advisory was that it was running weak.
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Post by Paul296 »

BX's get under your Skin Rich, I wonder how many other people buy them as as a get you around for a bit kinda car then get smitten. Quite a few I imagine!
That'll be me then! I only went to have a look at my first BX out of politeness; 'What you mean those crappy old French cars with stupid unreliable suspension?'

Nice TRS by the way - great colour.
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Errols Travels

Post by Rich »

The old boy did me proud again!

It sits outsit rather bug splattered and dusty after taking the family and I on a jaunt across the Channel.

We did 1335 trouble free miles last week through Belgium, Luxemburg and a tiny bit of Germany.

A few piccies:

Namur in Belgium


The Luxemburg German border
'86 2CV Dolly
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Post by Rich »

Back into Belgium

Bouillon (The BX can be seen hiding behind the second tree from right)

We then returned to Blighty and headed for Wells in Somerset to join a bunch of our 2CVing mates for the Somerset Easter camp




Mine was not the only BX in attendance. Dave Shove was there in his BX RHD van 8)


(Sorry I didn't get a clearer shot of it :oops: )

Not only did my BX not miss a beat, it wafted along at 120kph for hour after hour with perfect composure, lugged a full load of luggage and camping gear and the 3 of us up hill and down dale, it returned an amazing 44 mpg over the whole trip... and no I don't think I have got my sums wrong :shock:
'86 2CV Dolly
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Post by Tim Leech »

Great pics mate, hope to see it in the flesh at the "National"
Lots of Motors, mostly semi broken....

Post by scarecrow »

Damn! I could've asked you to pick me up some baccy on the way home :(

Lovely bx - bit I'm biased too ;)
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Post by Stinkwheel »

Quick post to Rich's blog.

I drove this lovely BX on saturday and OMG, its like a new car, it reminds me of my mums old 16TRS (in as much as interior etc is all the same)
total bargain of a motor car thats 20 yrs old but drives like brand new. Lovely.
Doctor Of Gonzo Journalism!!!
93 BX TZD Estate
90 BX 14TE St Tropez
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To slightly mis-quote Kitch ... "BX 14. They're just brilliant!"