Window stickers update

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Re: Window stickers update

Post by mds141 »

Paul296 wrote:Okee dokee - I've had a word with Sandre and there is a couple of bob in the club funds (but only a couple of bob). I've just submitted the details of the stickers to an organisation called 'solopress' and they're going to get back to me with a price this afternoon.

What follows is a general 'begging letter' message. If anyone would like to make a contribution to club funds the paypal address is:

In order for the club to expand and actually do things, we do need a bit of dosh (not a great deal - but some). I've recently had a quote of £200 to set up a new website, plus we also need to renew our public liability insurance and purchase promotional material for club events, rallies and the NEC. A suggested donation would be £15, but that's in no way a prescription - a couple of quid is fine but then so is . . . substantially more (!) - it's up to you. I think I speak for everyone when I say that I'd much prefer the club to run on a goodwill basis rather than the introduction of a subscription with the inevitable Dpolitical rubbish that follows on. Having said that, we do need 'goodwill' to make the club a viable and nationally visible set-up and give the BX the kind of profile I'm sure we all think it deserves.

I'm willing to chip in a fair amount to make the website happen: I think a central hub for info, pics, event reports, brochure downloads etc. that can't be accommodated by the forum is really important, if you agree see above re: 'goodwill'!

Anyway, it's up to all of us what kind of club we want to make it, and whether the BX remains a forlorn banger bargain or shiny and respected member of the classic car community (bit of emotional blackmail there). So there you have it - basically, put your hand in your pocket you tight wads! :D
Hear, hear!! =D>
Mark Smith

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Re: Window stickers update

Post by lee3 »

Hi sent something ..... Not alot as Im a
poorper at the moment + 'Katey' (I name all my cars! :-) my BX has a problem
Starting all of a sudden lol but pennies make pounds? Lol
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Re: Window stickers update

Post by kieran.l »

Wow I'd love some stickers! I'll throw some money in the goodwill paypal pot now! :)

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Re: Window stickers update

Post by hilarystone »

I'll be up for some stickers too … and have just made a donation which should help with the website etc
Last edited by hilarystone on Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Window stickers update

Post by Paul296 »

Thanks very much chaps. 8) I haven't heard back from the sticker lady yet, but it was quite late on Friday afternoon when I spoke to her, so I'm hoping I'll hear tomorrow - either way, I'll keep you updated.
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Re: Window stickers update

Post by Paul296 »

Hmmm, I appear to have made a mistake. :oops: The paypal address for donations should read, (not ''). If anyone was planning to make further donations can you make sure that you get the right address please. Everyone that has very kindly made donations already has been informed, and normal service will be resumed as soon as possible (whatever 'normal' is etc. etc.). Apologies once again.
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Re: Window stickers update

Post by hilarystone »

Have claimed the other one back and sent fresh but is still showing as unclaimed...
Hilary Stone
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Re: Window stickers update

Post by demag »

Have just donated. I've been going to do this for years but never got round to it. Apologies it's taken so long. :oops:

Can you put me on the list for two stickers please?

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Re: Window stickers update

Post by Jaba »

I am happy to make a donation to help the club along but I don't want any stickers.

Some of us are making a £6 annual standing order payment to pay for the club web hosting. Perhaps this might be a way forward to avoid the need for continual fund raising efforts.
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Re: Window stickers update

Post by Paul296 »

Firstly, the correct address for donations is (sorry folks - all hate mail will be humbly received with much contrition on my part :oops: )

@ Jaba, it's a real thorny issue about whether there's the introduction of a subscription of some kind, or we try and continue to run things on a goodwill basis - there are pros and cons either way. If we can run it just on goodwill, that would probably be ideal as then the club is truly democratic and member led - but it does rely on goodwill otherwise it's the same few people putting their hands in their pocket all the time.

If there was a subscription on the other hand, it might alienate some people who are happy just to post on the forum now and again and - quite rightly perhaps - feel that paying for that privilege was a bit of a con. I don't know to be honest. Perhaps if we wait until the website is up and running, we put in another good showing at the NEC next year and see how the land lies - maybe we could put it to the vote then? Although, I don't think the BX is ever going to garner a massive following (I think we all quite like the fact that they're an acquired taste for those who 'understand') it would be nice to see it a bit more visible and make bangerdom a memory!

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Re: Window stickers update

Post by Paul296 »

I'm about to place an order for stickers - they come as a set of 2 and work out at £5+p&p for the pair (bargain!). The stickers are vinyl and adhere to the inside of your windows. If you'd like some please let me know via PM: they appear to be rather popular so don't hang about to avoid disappointment (bound to become rare and collectable :D ). I'll post payment details/postage etc. shortly.

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Re: Window stickers update

Post by hilarystone »

OK Could I have five sets please…

Could I suggest we order some extra sets to sell on our stand at the NEC or at CCC events...
Hilary Stone
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Re: Window stickers update

Post by Jaba »

Paul296 wrote:Firstly, the correct address for donations is (sorry folks - all hate mail will be humbly received with much contrition on my part :oops: )

@ Jaba, it's a real thorny issue about whether there's the introduction of a subscription of some kind, or we try and continue to run things on a goodwill basis - there are pros and cons either way. If we can run it just on goodwill, that would probably be ideal as then the club is truly democratic and member led - but it does rely on goodwill otherwise it's the same few people putting their hands in their pocket all the time.

If there was a subscription on the other hand, it might alienate some people who are happy just to post on the forum now and again and - quite rightly perhaps - feel that paying for that privilege was a bit of a con. I don't know to be honest. Perhaps if we wait until the website is up and running, we put in another good showing at the NEC next year and see how the land lies - maybe we could put it to the vote then? Although, I don't think the BX is ever going to garner a massive following (I think we all quite like the fact that they're an acquired taste for those who 'understand') it would be nice to see it a bit more visible and make bangerdom a memory!

No no not quite what I was suggesting Paul. The annual donation is and would be entirely voluntary and would be calculated to cover our known annual expenditure plus a little more to give a fighting fund of some sort. No membership, no commitment, no obligation of any sort. Annual accounts would I suppose need to be published and indeed could have been for the NEC fund raising.
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Re: Window stickers update

Post by Paul296 »

Ah - I see what you mean Jaba - sorry. Well, I think a suggested donation by everyone of (say) a tenner is a great idea (if anyone wants to donate more - that's good too. :D ). As you say, it would give us a fighting fund and - hopefully - enough to cover any expenditure for shows, promo-material and assorted 'stuff'. What do other people think?

I was about to order 30 sets of stickers, but it looks like I may have to order a few more - I have requests for 29 sets already. I think Hilary's idea of getting a few more printed off for selling at shows and the like is an excellent idea, I'll see if we have funds to cover that.
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Re: Window stickers update

Post by Paul296 »

STOP PRESS! I've now placed the order for the stickers and will require payment asap. Payments are via paypal and the total cost for the pair of stickers is £5.00 + £1.20 p&p. If you ordered more than one set of stickers p&p is still only £1.20. The payment address is (definitely!) .When you make your payment can you please send a message with your name or forum name if it's not apparent from your email address. That way I'll be able to keep a tally of who's paid and who hasn't. Could you also please send me your postal address - either by message on Facebook, or the BXC forum, so that I can get them posted out to you as soon as possible. I had requests for 38 sets of stickers but have ordered 50 sets, so there are still stickers available if you haven't yet requested any but would like to do so. Club funds didn't quite stretch to ordering a load for sale at events, but I think that's something we could look at in the future. Cheers.