Firstly, the correct address for donations is (sorry folks - all hate mail will be humbly received with much contrition on my part

@ Jaba, it's a real thorny issue about whether there's the introduction of a subscription of some kind, or we try and continue to run things on a goodwill basis - there are pros and cons either way. If we can run it just on goodwill, that would probably be ideal as then the club is truly democratic and member led - but it does rely on goodwill otherwise it's the same few people putting their hands in their pocket all the time.
If there was a subscription on the other hand, it might alienate some people who are happy just to post on the forum now and again and - quite rightly perhaps - feel that paying for that privilege was a bit of a con. I don't know to be honest. Perhaps if we wait until the website is up and running, we put in another good showing at the NEC next year and see how the land lies - maybe we could put it to the vote then? Although, I don't think the BX is ever going to garner a massive following (I think we all quite like the fact that they're an acquired taste for those who 'understand') it would be nice to see it a bit more visible and make bangerdom a memory!