WANTED - initial parts list

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Post by mat_fenwick »

I have a new in packet heater hose that may do - bought for my TD but was the wrong shape! Don't know what it should fit but I never got round to taking it back to the dealer for a refund.

1993 1.9 TZD Turbo Estate
1996 3.9 V8 Discovery
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Post by Dollywobbler »

Could be handy. I'll let you know when the next pub quiz is. (sorry, only myself and Mat know what that means!)
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Post by mat_fenwick »

Hmmm, I think I'll go easy on the wine next time...

This is the pipe - the part number I believe corresponds to a metal coolant pipe so must have been marked up wrongly! Does it look like it would fit, or can anybody recognise it?

1993 1.9 TZD Turbo Estate
1996 3.9 V8 Discovery
1993 VW LT35 campervan
1985 Hyundai Stellar V8
2016 Hyundai iLoad