Thanks very much for your kind reply, I do love polishing cars, I tend
to these days settle for quality rather than quantity, my neighbours see
me as a weather indicator, even today I have been cleaning inside of
both washer bottles and polishing the paintwork underneath, and still in
my shorts still

However, as there always is, there is one guy down the road who is an
A.A man, with 2 silver B-W,s one a convertable and they are always mint
and I never see him out polishing his cars. Me if I am not out then it must
be raining

What cars do you have then Mark ? I always feel that a clean car
drives alot nicer than a dirty one.
All the best Mark and keep in touch, I do know that the BX TXi that I
have just taken delivery of is appearing in this months Citroenian, so I
am led to believe anyway, I shall put some more photo,s of her highness
this weekend, with some shots of the wheelarches and the door shuts etc,
and under the bonnet too.