Anything about BXs
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Tim Leech
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Post by Tim Leech »

I shall be using a Astra Van for the trip as we have just taken one in with a full tank of diesel, so have room for some slightly bigger stuff.
Lots of Motors, mostly semi broken....
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Post by Dollywobbler »

Paul296 wrote:
docchevron wrote:well, if you happen across an attractive female that aint too fussy and likes buses.....
I've found that with females 'attractive' and 'ain't too fussy' don't generally come in the same package?
That's not too tricky. I managed that (eventually!). Finding a female who likes buses though? That could be tricky. The only times my wife has genuinely looked worried about what she married was when I joined the Leyland National Preservation Group and almost joined the Classic Hearse Register...