A quick change of coolant this morning and hopefully things will be a little better from now on, although working on the car did highlight a few other of the problems I have right now.
Sticky front struts When putting the car down from high position which I'd been working on it from, err, the front didn't go down when I selected "normal". Had to put it into "low" then quickly into "normal" again once it'd started t sink. Not a new prblem, has always been the case since I bought it. I wonder if
this wuld help or if it's a dodgy height corrector, either way they do seem to creak up and dwn and ride feels like it's getting harsher.
Pressure regulator leaking in a very, very minor way. Still got a full tank, but I don't like the look of those green droplets that seem to form on that U-bend underneath from time to time.
Gearbox still leaking Still working on this one, gearshift still feels fine, well "fine" for a crappy old linkage-shifter (no worse than the brand new 207 I sometimes get to drive!), not popping out of gear or anything although 1st's synchro feels pretty worn. I always try and revmatch and don't drive like a dick anyway so hopefully it'll have plenty of life left.
Windscreen demister is rubbish! Only a little comes out of there and it all ends up firing at my face instead. Could begin to get annoying over these upcoming months...
Foldy down seats What is the point of them if you can't move the seat base forward and out of the way? They just seem to boing back into the upright position instantly, angry at whoever didn't tick that option box when they bought the car...
Glovebox fell off. Another one is in the post thanks to IOWBX
Drainback fail. Although car started fine this freezing northern morning, but it did get used yesterday tbf.
Other than that, good! Fuel consumption dropped dramatically after I'd been using it around the city for a month but hopefully I'll just use it more conservatively "no you cannot have a lift" in future. Exterior: Perfect. Scuffs on three of the corners and the stainless bumber inserts are beginning to peel in places, but otherwise not a single scratch. Interior, very good, although I think someone has had a dog/fluffy cat/afro at some point during past ownerships. Otherwise, generally enjoying "is that the car from the Back to the Future films?"