My other Gti 4x4

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My other Gti 4x4

Post by mike22861 »

A rare sight of my 2nd 4x4 going out for a drive after a long while parked up it started first go rose up and away we went
1992 BX 4x4 Gti aircon Silver
1991 BX 19 TGD Red(the Red Baron)
1993 BX 17 TZD Red the new Daily
1986 BX 16 RS Leader (The only 1 left I believe)
2003 Landrover Defender 110 CSW TD5
1985 Landrover Defender 90 4SC County
some other newer Nissans
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x 91

Post by Kitch »

Like that. 4x4 looks good in white IMO.
One third of a three-spoke BX columnist team for the Citroenian magazine.

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Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Aug 07, 2008 9:04 am
Location: South Shields Tyneside

Post by mike22861 »

I've got to say white isn't my favourite colour in any car.
but it makes the lines look clean
1992 BX 4x4 Gti aircon Silver
1991 BX 19 TGD Red(the Red Baron)
1993 BX 17 TZD Red the new Daily
1986 BX 16 RS Leader (The only 1 left I believe)
2003 Landrover Defender 110 CSW TD5
1985 Landrover Defender 90 4SC County
some other newer Nissans