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Post by Tim Leech »

Lots of Motors, mostly semi broken....
Mickey taker
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Post by Mickey taker »

A quick thank you to Kevan, the rear headrests arrived this morning and have been fitted ,

I have found a receipt dated after the the heater tap was repaired for Bypassing the heater :twisted: ,
looking under the bonnet though it appears to still have both pipes going through the bulkhead scratch... , so I dont know if it was reconnected when the head gasket was done the heater knob( hot/cold), only moves about a quarter way between the half hot position ( straight down ) and the nine oclock position .

Those of you who have met me will realize I am probably not the best person to try lying on my back upside down in the footwell ~ale~ trying to turn the tap by hand but I will give it a try when I get time :lol: .

while waiting for a chance to look at the heater I have bought a 12 volt plug in one , , dosen't appear to do a lot apart from blow luke warm air about which is slightly better than freezing :lol:
1991 BX Meteor 1.6

light travels faster than sound, thats why you look intelligent and then you spoil it all by opening your mouth !!!!!
bx petrol auto saloon
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The Meteor.

Post by bx petrol auto saloon »

Dear Susan.
Some garages would only by-pass the heater, for only one or two
reasons;- one being if the existing heater matrix is blocked, the symtoms
for blocked matrix would usually be no hot water ciculating through the
heater matrix, bieng cold heater all the time. The other reason for by-
passing the heater matrix, would be for a leaking heater matrix, which
would give you coolant loss into the cabin area. Most mechanics would
99 % of the time join the two heater hoses under the bonnet to by-pass
the heater matrix.
As regarding the heater hot/cold knob on mine, as I have already
told you before, mine only moves about a 1/4 of it,s permitted travel.
so I can,t help on that one :wink:
Anyway Susan I hope this helps a little, sorry I can,t sort the
heater tap problem, as it is a bit too nippy for me to do mine just yet.
but if you want to know anything about your car, you are quite welcome
to ask away :wink:
All The Best Susan.
Passion Hydropneumatic Citroen,s

Cars;- 1993 White Citroen BX 1.6 TXi petrol
saloon auto with air-con & ABS.
47,594 Miles from new.
Owned for 3 years sorned.
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saloon 5sp with 3 spoke Ronals,
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Post by mat_fenwick »

Susan Donym wrote:I have bought a 12 volt plug in one , , dosen't appear to do a lot apart from blow luke warm air about which is slightly better than freezing :lol:
It's about the same as someone breathing on you...

1993 1.9 TZD Turbo Estate
1996 3.9 V8 Discovery
1993 VW LT35 campervan
1985 Hyundai Stellar V8
2016 Hyundai iLoad