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Post by Mike E (uk) »

If the rear exhaust hanger is just broken off, and there is not a big hole in the car, you can drill a couple of new holes and bolt a few inches of angle iron on verticaly, then put a long bolt or some studding on the angle iron to hang the rubber support from.

Clean the area up and rust proof/underseal.

Then re-attach the exhaust

no welding required.

la BX 16 soupapes: sachez apprecier avec moderation.

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Post by Caffiend »

Thanks for the tip, although Rob did say that there was filler in there, which does not bode well.

I'll see if it looks like I can chip it out and have a look next week without the entire thing falling off, otherwise it's probably best left to the experts ...
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Post by Caffiend »

Gah, work has been so insanely busy recently that everything else in my life is gathering dust, including the poor BX, must wash it this weekend. Dry weather followed by rain yesterday is making it look decidedly grubby!

This is how bad it's been: on finally starting to catch up this week after year end, I'm finding e-mails that are making me go "oh CRAP, I don't even remember seeing that", then finding my response to the same email ... obviously it's a Good Thing that I've dealt with it, but having NO memory of it is rather scary!

The nice overtime will hit my April pay packet but I'll get my fantastic plastic out to get a few other mechanical bits done before the X rally if Rob can fit me in (I'll call him to book tomorrow). I've also made the time to at least start a shopping list: the service history is brilliant, but the looked-afterness of the car for most of its life means that some things have apparently not been needed that I would normally expect to have been replaced on a 21 year old/150K car, and some of these will now almost certainly be coming towards the end of their natural life ... I am looking forward to extensively picking people's brains for advice/availability of parts on 15 April!

Also noted that I'm apparently now a BXpert which really doesn't suit me (YET) :oops: , must find grasshopper avatar.
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Post by mat_fenwick »

Caffiend wrote:Also noted that I'm apparently now a BXpert which really doesn't suit me
That can be rectified... :mrgreen:

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Post by Caffiend »

Wow, I feel all speshul now I have a custom title :lol: - must rectify the truth of that ASAP. It'll be time to sign up to Year 2 of my IMI course in the next few weeks, which will be a lot more practical and hopefully give me more confidence to 'ave a go.

Car is booked into Chevronics next Weds to get a few more items off the list (strut returns, exhaust, fuel pipes and go on, while it's up there, might as well get the rear spheres done, tempting though it is to have a go myself - under supervision - on 15th, they are awkward without a ramp). Then the only remaining "knowns" at present are the hydraflush rinse out/LHM refill, brake hoses and handbrake cables left to do, which will want doing before MOT (Sept) but not desperate.

Hopefully I'll have some breathing space then on the mechanical side and can start tackling some of the cosmetics!
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Post by Tim Leech »

Rob Moss wont charge you much to do the spheres whilst its "up in the air" as they are easy to do if you have the right tools and a lift.
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Post by Caffiend »

Aye, he gave me quotes per job for the bits that need doing, but I'm hoping that the whole will be less than the sum of the parts if I bunch 'em up a bit! Still fantastic value even if not.
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Post by Caffiend »

I finally got a look at the BX's bottom ( :lol: ) at college last Thursday and as soon as I've stopped being entirely pissed off with trying to get my mobile/laptop connection working will upload some pix. The welding needed on the n/s/r doesn't look as bad as I thought it might but can see why Rob thinks it's a bit urgent - will book that in after pay day.

So, decisions decisions.

It was bloody convenient being able to hop in the Xsara to drive to work this morning after having left the BX's lights on overnight, thereby killing the battery :oops: It was also bloody embarrassing to realise that my recent big hate against the poor Xsara is not really its fault - the clutch is knackered and - as I "never" drive any other car but my own, hadn't properly noticed how bad it was getting until it's had its recent break while I've been enjoying tearing round in the BX. So, the Xsara is up for several hundred quid's worth of work when the MOT is due next month if you include clutch and the advisories from last year - but as it is, it's not worth much more than weigh in value and it doesn't deserve that!

Pondering whether I can afford to keep and run 2 cars, hmmmm.
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Post by mat_fenwick »

It's a tricky one but my (attempt at!) justification is that with more than one car on the road at once, any work needed can be done by myself, almost at leisure as I won't be stuck without transport. However, this plan falls apart if I immobilise one vehicle and block in the rest.... :oops:

It'd probably be useful for you to be able to tinker, without the worry of not being able to put something back together in time for work the next day. But maybe the Xsara isn't the best second car, given the work needed...

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Post by Caffiend »

mat_fenwick wrote:It'd probably be useful for you to be able to tinker, without the worry of not being able to put something back together in time for work the next day. But maybe the Xsara isn't the best second car, given the work needed...
Definitely on both fronts, but although my theory is fairly reasonable now (for a newbie), I'm still struggling with the leap of confidence to get the spanners out and get stuck in for any more than, um, removing and recharging a battery :lol: *. Actually, that will have to wait until the weekend as it's an old unsealed type, so reluctant to leave overnight/unsupervised and I was at college last night, over to MK tonight to collect a bumper (OHAI MICKEY), at college tomorrow and out on Friday ...

I know that at college next year we'll be getting stuck into far more practical work - and I think expected to do some work on our own cars where possible rather than engine rigs or the wrecks they provide that the day kids have wrecked even further. The Xsara's insurance is paid up until October, so I'm more and more tempted to get the works done and keep it at least until then before I decide whether to move it on - or keep it.

* this is getting embarrassing, I need to print off some of Vanny's Haynes' pages to get all oily and JFDI
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Post by Caffiend »

Finally ...

In the college workshop - shouldn't get anthropomorphic about a collection of metal and fibreglass, but does it look apprehensive to anyone else?

Look at teh funneh suspension peoples!


Inspection time - there was a bit of oil, which after a good clean, we decided was just a leftover from the old driveshafts leaking - there's no oil loss or any new seepage.

Looking good! - shame about the photographer :S (no, that's not Russell Brand)

The light was difficult (as for the above pic) but this is the welding that wants doing ...

It's alive!

And finally, the wooden spoon award goes to the person who forgot where the fuel tank was and is trying to work out where best to put the chock ... There's only one other girl in a class of 19 of us, disappointing in this day and age - and until she took this pic, I had no idea she hated me so ... :lol: (not really, we do get along well)

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Post by docchevron »

ooh, it has a bosch pump! Bonus!
Smokes lots, because enough's enough already!

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Post by Mickey taker »

docchevron wrote:ooh, it has a bosch pump! Bonus!
Finally, I thought you found that out at the Xrally Sandre, have you got the battery sorted out yet ?
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Post by Caffiend »

Yep, Mat kindly advised me at the X-rally that my lucky car has a Bosch :D

Battery was recharged at the weekend - ran the extension lead out to the shed and stuck it in there to cook, checking every couple of hours or so. Seems to be working/holding charge just fine!
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Post by Defender110 »

Caffiend wrote:Finally ...

In the college workshop - shouldn't get anthropomorphic about a collection of metal and fibreglass, but does it look apprehensive to anyone else?
Is that a BX front bumper indentation in the parts washer leg? :lol:
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