Dear Phil.
Thanks so very much Phil, I have to give great credit to Chris,s
family for keeping the car in such great condition and to everyone on
this forum for finding the car for me too
The parcel shelf Phil was just finished polising it, and it was behind
my SAAB, waiting to go back in, it is like new aswell with the blinds on.
The Hot/Cold heater control is stuck at the 4 o,clock position, and
only moves a small amount of it,s permitted travel.

I may be wrong,
but I thought that that control needs to be on cold, for the air-con to

Like there is a micro-switch on the heater control not allowing
the air-con to work.

I think it seems to have refridgerant in it. when
you press the valves. but air-con not working at the moment Phil.
I used to do all the air-con work at the last Vauxhall dealer I
worked at, so I know it all works, but using a big machine to do it.
It should be R 134 a if it hasn,t been superceded with something new
Have you got air-con on one of your cars then Phil
All The Best Phil ok
Take Care.