Paul's polishin' blog

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Re: Paul's polishin' blog

Post by Paul296 »

Philip Chidlow wrote: at the moment
I think that's the operative bit Phil :?:
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Re: Paul's polishin' blog

Post by Xemes »

Need my 8)
happyly it will not rain at your's for the next 16 days :mrgreen: , no dust expected neither [-X
So the Hurricane is ready to go :D
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Re: Paul's polishin' blog

Post by Paul296 »

Xemes wrote:Need my 8)
happyly it will not rain at your's for the next 16 days :mrgreen: , no dust expected neither [-X
So the Hurricane is ready to go :D
If you could send out some of those Gallic good wishes to whoever controls the weather Chris, that would be much appreciated - it worked wonders with the MOT! [-o< The Hurricane is kept under cover so hopefully birds/wind/rain/trees etc. ( :evil: ) won't be able to ruin all my hard work.
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Re: Paul's polishin' blog

Post by Caffiend »

^ That's impressive. What's the 'wear' like on the bars - how many times do you reckon you'll be able to use it? Also, are the packages likely to be of the irritating type where you run out of one thing (bar/lubricant) waaaay before you run out of the other?
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Re: Paul's polishin' blog

Post by Paul296 »

If you can use water as a lubricant as Kevan suggested that makes things a lot cheaper and means you don't run out of lubricant while the clay is still fresh. Mine got quite grimy from just half a panel so I just folded it to a fresh bit. With one bar I reckon you could do 2 - 3 cars before the clay was too mucky to be useful. The detailer in the kit would probably last for just one car. It's not an operation you'd have to repeat that often I wouldn't have thought: it probably takes quite a while for a significant amount of muck to build up. I should think the effect is cumulative as well: I could probably have pulled off more dirt if I'd repeated the process - which I won't be doing . . . yet :wink:
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Re: Paul's polishin' blog

Post by mat_fenwick »

Bilt Hamber do a clay bar where they specifically state water is the lubricant - whether that is any different to 'normal' ones I don't know. Need a rather large one for the van...

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Re: Paul's polishin' blog

Post by saintjamesy89 »

OOh, just look at that finish! I may have to ask for a clay bar and accessories for my (coming soon!) birthday - that way I don't have to buy it myself, hehe! Although, doubtless someone (mentioning no names, especially not my mothers) will moan I'm asking for car stuff again. Are the different brand bars much of a muchness, or is there 'good' or better one to have?
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Re: Paul's polishin' blog

Post by Paul296 »

saintjamesy89 wrote: Are the different brand bars much of a muchness, or is there 'good' or better one to have?
I just bought the cheapest (Macguires - 15 quid) worked fine. The Bilt Hamber one Mat mentioned might be worth looking out for as you use water instead of detailer. Although the detailer seems to be a cleaning agent as well so 'cleans as it shines' - as they say 8)
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Re: Paul's polishin' blog

Post by mat_fenwick »

The BH ones seem even cheaper, so I'll probably give one a go and report back. I'm not going to be much of a judge though, never having used one before!

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Clay bar warning

Post by Defender110 »

They are a great little product and I use th BH ones which are excellent but as per their instructions; If you drop the bar on the ground it is basically scrap and needs to be thrown away as it will have collected grit and may become a brillo pad.
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Re: Paul's polishin' blog

Post by Paul296 »

Looks like the Bilt-Hamber ones are the ones to go for according to Auto-Express . . . ... -bars-test" onclick=";return false; ... -clay-soft" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Paul's polishin' blog

Post by Paul296 »

I thought I'd post these up while I remember. I arrived at Sandre's for the Paris trip on the Friday morning, and as we had a few hours too spare we had a drive over to Rob Moss's to have a nosey round his yard. The man himself wasn't in attendance - apparently he'd buggered off to Paris for some Citroen related shindig at the Aulnay factory (!?). Lot's of nice G series cars (as you'd expect) and his rather nice - and newly acquired - 16 TRS, that looks to be in the process of 'getting sorted'.









Mark arriving at Sandres for the Paris trip. They are VERY tidy speedlines on his Valver.


Talking of speedlines - Tim's newly acquired Anthracite's for his TRS. As the rims were rather bashed about Tim asked me to do a bit of rimming for him *. Anyway, all repaired, primed and ready for paint and lacquer now.


My TGD alloys just need the rest of the black bits painting - then they're done (at last :shock: )



Last but not least, a couple of pics of Tim's rather lovely TZi auto. After dropping off the wheels we (well, when I say 'we' I mean 'Tim') sorted out a few 'issues' on the Hurricanes drivers door and had a go at replacing the clutch cable in the hope that the rather stiff clutch isn't a knackered clutch. It is though ( :( ). Rang Malcolm Lockwood this morning and he happened to have Valeo TZD clutch in stock for £70 plus VAT and delivery. Once the tax runs out at the end of the month the Hurricane is being laid up for the winter - and getting a new clutch.

* what? :shock:
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Re: Paul's polishin' blog

Post by Tim Leech »

Coo you dont hang about! Cheers!!

The TZI hasnt been cleaned since the X Rally though and although not filthy is rather dusty and needs a good wash.
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Re: Paul's polishin' blog

Post by saintjamesy89 »

Tim Leech wrote:Coo you dont hang about! Cheers!!

The TZI hasnt been cleaned since the X Rally though and although not filthy is rather dusty and needs a good wash.
It's still (in my opinion) one of the most desirable, nicest looking BX's i've ever seen though. Well, that is until my GT is sorted :lol:

Can't beat a bit of rimming Paul :oops: (sorry, had to!) I do look forward to seeing those lovely alloys finished, and on the TGD - talking of lovely BX's...
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Re: Paul's polishin' blog

Post by Paul296 »

Yeah well, it was a double-entendre waiting to happen wasn't it!! :D

That TZi is a lovely drive - if you drive diesels all the time you can forget what petrol responsiveness and refinement is like - the auto feels a bit weird to begin with though.