Although as much as I was aware that the thump the car took was nasty, the damage could have almost been cosmetic,,Not the case as today I removed the bumper to move the car to discover internal damage that which ever way i looked at it was not going to be simple to fix.
The bumper is salvageable with plastic welding, BUT the front corner substructure needs an accurate pull and considerable panel work to get it straight..

Just when I thought that I had found all the damage I kept on seeing more misalignment in all 3 dimensions.
So she will need a pull both out and up, as well as panel straightening for every panel that intersects this corner...and I really don't know how practicable that is financially. She will most likely be written off this time (and not the soft "repairable write off" either)...So it now comes down to the cars value. I have a fair idea I know what they'll offer me, but should I negotiate much higher but shy of what it would cost to actually repair her? Repair bill would be $4k... last valuation was about $3k.. How do you account for hours spent getting this as sorted as a fairly new car, despite that I would not want a fairly new car...!!!
Crumple zones worked their magic, but to the ultimate demise of the whole car..amazed that even with the whole light weightness of the BX these important sections are made from some seriously decent metal. The BX is so under rated for so many reasons and this is just one of them.. SAFETY...( was a freakin big thump)