Got my 205 GTi Speedlines fitted today, I think they look great, only managed a quick snap on my phone but I thought i'd share it here anyway. I got them off ebay, now they're by no means concours but they have polished up rather well considering they were only £50 with four good tyres.
2006 Skoda Fabia vRS 2003 Skoda Octavia Combi vRS 1992 Citroen BX19 TXD - The quirky one 2006 Citroen C6 2.7 HDi Exclusive [Lounge Pack] 1972 MG Midget - The project that never seems to get off the ground
More photo's will follow once i've finished cleaning her up, got a couple of bodywork bits to have sorted then i'm going to do a full machine polish. What colour actually is it? Looks close to Olympic Blue but i'm not sure.
2006 Skoda Fabia vRS 2003 Skoda Octavia Combi vRS 1992 Citroen BX19 TXD - The quirky one 2006 Citroen C6 2.7 HDi Exclusive [Lounge Pack] 1972 MG Midget - The project that never seems to get off the ground
Speaking as one of those tiresome correct wheel Nazis; none Citroen alloys on a BX? NO!!. Absolument pas! ( )
But, I have to say they look great - perhaps it's that period PSA stylee type thing!? I think the Royal Society of Citroen Correct Wheel Nazis should consider admitting the Peugeot Pepper Pot Alloy as an honorary member into the 'BX wheel hall of fame'?
Apparently C5 16" alloys bolt straight on (I know a chap with ared TZD Turbo with some on and they do look quite ace), theres a set WITH tyres and bolts for £110, not sure if you would need skinnier tyres though as they are 215 section so may catch?
At 215 they'd definately rub. Plus I've had 16's on the 16v before and it ruined the ride/drive of it. I even gave up with 15's before deciding that not only did the standard Speedlines ride/drive the best, they looked right too.
But on a 14 or 19D or something basic, these look the part IMO.
One third of a three-spoke BX columnist team for the Citroenian magazine.
smiffy1071 wrote:I did see a BX some years ago in the Radstock area, (Somerset) with ZX volcane alloys on it.
Trust me, it looked PANTS!
Lol! I can imagine! Chris White used to run ZX 16v rims on his 16v.....I was unsure whether I liked them enough to go for them myself, but they looked better than most.
One third of a three-spoke BX columnist team for the Citroenian magazine.