Here are some pics.

As mentioned elsewhere, there are jobs to be done, but overall this is a good car for the money. A wheel bearing is very badly worn, but shouldn't be too much bother to sort out. The gearbox is noisy in fifth, but I'll try fresh oil before anything else. The heater suffers from almost zero throughput of air. This is a serious one but hopefully an easy fix. My guess is that the flap that should open as you rotate the speed dial is not doing so. You usually get a quiet 'thump' when turning the dial to off - this doesn't happen. I'd appreciated any tips for how to resolve this.
She's slow to rise but the tick time is just about healthy enough. Steering is absolutely spot on and aside from the ABS light coming on at one point on the journey home (it went off when I stopped and restarted the engine) the brakes seem fine.
Nice to have a workhorse again!