Dollywobbler's TZD estate - departure time

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Re: Dollywobbler's TZD estate (formerly Wooscary's)

Post by Dollywobbler »

Aye. Any recommendations on sphere tool? The accumulator could do with recharge/replacement as the tick time is only a few seconds.
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Re: Dollywobbler's TZD estate (formerly Wooscary's)

Post by citsncycles »

Tom bought one from Ebay that is a steel ring with an arm on and 2 clamping clamping bolts for getting a good grip on the sphere. It works OK, but struggled to get over the (we assume) larger original spheres on Tim's In A State.
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Re: Dollywobbler's TZD estate (formerly Wooscary's)

Post by mat_fenwick »

Mine was from eBay too, and is obviously a home made job with a single bolt tightening against the sphere. It's never failed to remove one yet but the clamping force won't be as good as those with a split ring. The protruding bolt can make access awkward too.

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Re: Dollywobbler's TZD estate (formerly Wooscary's)

Post by Dollywobbler »

Found another pic from the weekend. I do like a red TZD!
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Re: Dollywobbler's TZD estate (formerly Wooscary's)

Post by mat_fenwick »

Dollywobbler wrote:I'm not sure the ABS can be a loose wire. It is very specific. You must exceed an indicated 83 mph. Keep the speed down and the light doesn't come on.
Are all your tyres the same size? This is purely a guess, but I'm wondering whether if they were slightly different sizes, above a certain speed the disparity in measured speed between different wheels is too high. Obviously the ABS ECU has to allow for a certain amount of disparity, for example when you're cornering. But I wonder whether a limit is being exceeded?

Another guess: the teeth on the driveshaft rust with age, and get less sharp edged and hence will produce less of a sharp edged signal which will be more difficult for the ECU to pick up. I wonder whether this effect is magnified with speed? The above is of no real help I guess, I'm just thinking out loud really...

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Re: Dollywobbler's TZD estate (formerly Wooscary's)

Post by Dollywobbler »

Think it's the same size all-round, though the fronts are winter tyres.
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Re: Dollywobbler's TZD estate (formerly Wooscary's)

Post by citsncycles »

That may do it I suppose. Tyres marked as the same size from different manufacturers can vary considerably - the size seems to be nominal figure. I guess having slightly different diameter tyres front and rear could upset the ABS at a high enough speed.
Mike Sims
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Re: Dollywobbler's TZD estate (formerly Wooscary's)

Post by MULLEY »

Perhaps the ABS ring has a slight crack in it which at the higher speed widens & then causes the contact break with the ABS sensor & thats why it comes on?
2002 C5 2.0 HDI Estate - Jasmine - Now SORN
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Re: Dollywobbler's TZD estate (formerly Wooscary's)

Post by Dollywobbler »

BX is away having a new balljoint and inner track rod end fitted at the moment. Good job I've got some invoice payments coming in as I've just spent £500 on getting the 2CV fixed. Trying to decide whether to use it for a round-trip to Birmingham this weekend or man up and take the 2CV. BX's next big trip will be south London at the end of the month. Could probably do with trying to cure the turbo oil leak before the big Scottish trip.
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Re: Dollywobbler's TZD estate (formerly Wooscary's)

Post by Dollywobbler »

I've got this back. It cost a bargainous £50 for the balljoint and inner track rod, including tracking. When the garage is that cheap, it means I'm going to be doing much less tinkering...

Oil use is getting a bit silly. Was right down on the bottom of the dipstick. Last topped up in Kent about 400 miles ago. I'm definitely going to have to get that looked at before Scotland or it'll cost a fortune! On the plus side, I've replaced the clock for one that actually lights up and adjusted both front doors catches so they don't bang so horribly when I shut them.

Still haven't got to the bottom of the creak from the back end. It's especially noticeable going over crests. I did do a bounce test earlier, and it does feel like the nearside front and offside rear are much softer than the other two corners, so no wonder it feels out of sorts. Need to get the spheres pressure tested.
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Re: Dollywobbler's TZD estate (formerly Wooscary's)

Post by MULLEY »

Creaking is usually a sign of knackered rear arm bearings, you could be lucky & its something else though?
2002 C5 2.0 HDI Estate - Jasmine - Now SORN
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Re: Dollywobbler's TZD estate (formerly Wooscary's)

Post by Dollywobbler »

From what I remember, the history states the arm bearings weren't done that long ago - 20,000 miles ago I think. Would be pretty annoying to have to stump up for that job again, especially as one garage refused it last time and the one that did do it had a horrible time!

It is very much that sort of noise though.

Forgot to mention that it seems to be getting smokier. It's just stupid the amount of soot/smoke coming out the back of this thing. I shall start with a fuel treatment but I'm not convinced that's the answer. I'll check how fresh the air filter is too. I've been meaning to give the car a service but it hasn't quite happened yet... (and another 600 mile weekend coming up!).
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Re: Dollywobbler's TZD estate (formerly Wooscary's)

Post by Dollywobbler »

Arse. The nearside rear suspension unit seems to be leaking an unseemly amount of LHM. I shouldn't complain, as this is the first time I've ever had a major hydraulic issue on a BX, but I was meant to be taking it to London next weekend. That's now looking doubtful. Where can I source a new cylinder? If that's the fault. Thankfully I thought to get the car onto ramps while there's still some fluid left in it! The nose-down attitude seems to have stopped the leak at least.
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Re: Dollywobbler's TZD estate - Suspension Crisis

Post by Dollywobbler »

I would welcome any suggestions regarding the suspension. I'm guessing suspension cylinders are NLA. I would really like to get this car working again for the weekend as otherwise it's a very noisy trip in the 2CV (which I don't really want to take to London) or a very worrying trip in a thirsty Mercedes with a split radiator...
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Re: Dollywobbler's TZD estate - Suspension Crisis

Post by mat_fenwick »

I have a used spare if you really get desperate - but I would want it replacing with one in similar condition if one can be found! It is just the cylinder so would need building into an assembly using your piston and pushrod.
How much LHM are you actually losing? And does it occur on all height settings?

1993 1.9 TZD Turbo Estate
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