Dont know the answer to your question Tink, ime so far away from the motor at present, however, ime sure Rob is sorting it correctly.
Did get down to Malcolm again today though as the TGD had decided to wet the floor at the rear, albeit only very slightly. Offside rear cylinder decided to let go because the gaitor was ripped and a leak back pipe had come loose. It turned into quite an easy quick fix as someone had only recently been working on it and everything came undone easily. Decided to replace cylinder with a NOS one i had as the original had a deep pit in it which would have failed sooner rather than later.
My only complaint was the standard of Malcolm's usually high hospitality in that he decided to fob off on me some low quality red label tea which quite frankly wasnt so nice. Ile be bringing my own when i visit in Sophie tomorrow.

Note the gaitor held on with a cable tie!!

The ram came out very easily.

Job done.