My very first car (back in 1997) was a 1989 red citroen BX 14 tge and having owned it for about two years i had to sell her! I remembered it very well to this date. Ive always had a soft spot for citroen's especially the bx and the time eventually arrived earlier this year to buy another! This time a turbo diesel tzd, i bought her blind off ebay in feb (as a sorn) but soon after i lost my job

When i first bought her the first thing i did was clean and polish it, it was filthy to high heavens!

The history of the bx... it came from a family in leeds, having 4 in-family member owners. The last family owner (the father) sadly passed away hence the reason for sale. I found a temporary eu export certificate in the bx, from 1991. So it had spent 6 months or so in switzerland, probably with a caravan due to having a tow bar/electrics? and explains the reason for the windscreen stickers and headlight beam benders? I removed the headlamp covers that came with the bx as preferred them off. It has door handle protectors too which i quite like. Sadly the bx came with no service history at all, one key and as just turned over 110K miles today. The fuel gauge doesnt work but the diesel light does...sender??
The bx engine seems very punchy, still had old diesel in her which i ran dry then put around half a tank in along with some injector cleaner, thinking this may be of some benefit to it? The oil is black so it obviously needs a service, oil and coolant change. Just havnt had the time and money to sort these areas out but will do in due course

I hope i hav'nt drained you all by waffling on? and would like to thank you for reading my first post. I have attached some pics of my pride and joy. Just need to work out what the hell those lights are for ha?
I would highly appreciate any advice you can give on it's faults etc, thanks.
Regards James.