That's definitely a 1.4 TU post August 88 engine. Same as Des's St Tropez, so should be good for 200k+ if it has had the oil and filters done regularly...
Notice rear screen wash bottle is not there looks like squirrels have been busy at the front seat!
At least it is a light unit, I think the claimed kerb empty weight was around 900Kg. Which is why you can get away with 72hp and reasonable performance for its size.
Don't remember those wheel trims but quite a few designs were used. Looks like the carbs a Weber but a bit hard to tell. Airbox seems to have gone walkabout too.
Might be nice to get it complete again. If its solid it should be saved even if not by me. I will give it a go when I get time. The carb has a manual choke fitted so no automatic nonsense. Need to catch up to see if that is done correctly. Just looked through the paperwork and its mostly Government guff. So not a great deal of info, which is a disappointment. It was in Bristol by 1996 but it was registered in Surrey, I think, with that number. 3 owners which suggests the Bristol move was a first sale. Of course at this time no one knew about the 1560cc limit on tax or they might have made a car up to the limit. A few more neddies are always handy. My mate suggested shoving an Eaton supercharger on it, in theory about 95 bhp then!
Miguel - 16 TRS Auto S, light blue, 43k miles - £450
Pluto - 14 E S, White, 105k Miles - in work
Egbert - 19 16v Gti, White, A/C & Leather, - Keeper
Walt - 17 TZD Turbo S, graphite, 70k miles, good op extras - Keeper
Scraper- 17 TZD Turbo E, blue, 208k miles - parts
Homer - 19 TXD E, Red, 189k miles - £250
Gary - 17 TZD Turbo E, 118k miles - in work
I would guess the No Plate is probably Middlesex, somewhere in the Staines area. A lot of Surrey plates had P in the middle but the Middlesex ones had L in the middle of the letter sequence.
Odd they put the air filter so close to the carb, the 150 engine was much further away with the large intake down low in front of hte battery. V diffreent arrangement. The manual chokes make the carb much easier to work on, piece of cake. One tip is remove the crankase breather inlet which if like my old 150 used to throw 'mayonnaise' straight in the main jet - fun at 70
If it is fed in before the air filter it should not do this merely clog the filter but at least not get the engine cutting out.
Really? Might have been nice to mount it on something I cannot pull off the dashboard. I know, another thing I broke as I am to heavy handed. Doh!
Miguel - 16 TRS Auto S, light blue, 43k miles - £450
Pluto - 14 E S, White, 105k Miles - in work
Egbert - 19 16v Gti, White, A/C & Leather, - Keeper
Walt - 17 TZD Turbo S, graphite, 70k miles, good op extras - Keeper
Scraper- 17 TZD Turbo E, blue, 208k miles - parts
Homer - 19 TXD E, Red, 189k miles - £250
Gary - 17 TZD Turbo E, 118k miles - in work
I take it you mean the choke end. Don't worry it's not you, the little socket/bay unit to the lower right is prone to pulling out the dash complete with the choke pull button. Usually more of a case of finding a method of securing the inset piece to stop that from pulling away. The choke bit to the inset is normally OK or can be fixed fairly easily.
Quite a long time since I fixed that issue on my 14, about 15+ years ago and the exact fix escapes me. It was not difficult though. That area is probably still the best location for the cable and its run as well as being easy to find, even at night.
This is the reason I have been a bit busy this week. Moved 13 of these little blighters from near Wolverhampton to Longcot. Great first action of a new neighbour eh? They were happy that the house was sold, as the previous owner was a little, err, chaotic. Never getting round to finishing anything. Will I finish things but they do not know that yet!
So, top pic is as found after dragging out of the boggy wood.
Mid pic I am rather proud of. No trailer in the pic, but 10 cars moved in one hit. That's a first for me.
Last pic is directly after delivery at Longcot, and I now have to process each one, itemise the parts and its damage, then integrate what gets restored and what is a donor. Then move it round the back into position to pull off in order or work.
There are actually differing machines here.
A Mk12 B, multicoloured and I will keep this as its rare, from about 1965.
Two Mk12 C,
seven Mk12 E,
a Mk14 and a Mk15, both being AC Acedes but not in the picture much and the precursor to the Model 70 with the Steyr Puch 500 auto engine.
So all the pictured cars are running Viliers 9E or 11E 197cc engines.
What with that and the dog still in the vets after a weekend panic, stabilised at huge expense. Putting another door, between kitchen and lounge, in the house. There has been no time for BX.
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Miguel - 16 TRS Auto S, light blue, 43k miles - £450
Pluto - 14 E S, White, 105k Miles - in work
Egbert - 19 16v Gti, White, A/C & Leather, - Keeper
Walt - 17 TZD Turbo S, graphite, 70k miles, good op extras - Keeper
Scraper- 17 TZD Turbo E, blue, 208k miles - parts
Homer - 19 TXD E, Red, 189k miles - £250
Gary - 17 TZD Turbo E, 118k miles - in work
I think I may show my neighbours these pics to show them how lucky they are! I was always fascinated by these little motors - one could be fun!
With regard to pulling the piece of dash out with the choke knob on the 14, with mine I just pressed against the trim with my thumb while pulling the choke with 2 fingers.
I wonder if that 14E had the stickers removed at the request of the first owner? If Citroen were willing to paint a Hurricane black for a customer this would be easy for them!
Mike Sims
BX 19RD Estate Mk1 - Timex!
BX 4X4 Estate - Oh god, I've done it again!
BX 17RD MK1 - it called to me!
XM Turbo SD,GS Club Estate,Visa 17D Leader,HY Pickup,Dyane Nomad,Dyane 6,2CV AZL,Falcon S,Trabant P50,3x Land Rovers (88" series 1,109" series 2a FFR,series 2a Marshall ambulance),DKW F7, Lambretta LD150 x 1.5,Mobylette SP93,Ural Cossack,Ural M63,CZ 250 Sport,Honda Varadero 125,lots of bicycles & tricycles including (but not only) Sunbeams,Higgins & Bates!
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Miguel - 16 TRS Auto S, light blue, 43k miles - £450
Pluto - 14 E S, White, 105k Miles - in work
Egbert - 19 16v Gti, White, A/C & Leather, - Keeper
Walt - 17 TZD Turbo S, graphite, 70k miles, good op extras - Keeper
Scraper- 17 TZD Turbo E, blue, 208k miles - parts
Homer - 19 TXD E, Red, 189k miles - £250
Gary - 17 TZD Turbo E, 118k miles - in work
Unlike many here, I'm not generally a fan of white BX's (or many white cars for that matter), but that looks pretty good. I wonder if it's he wider rubbing strips plus the pinstripe breaking it up a bit?
Mike Sims
BX 19RD Estate Mk1 - Timex!
BX 4X4 Estate - Oh god, I've done it again!
BX 17RD MK1 - it called to me!
XM Turbo SD,GS Club Estate,Visa 17D Leader,HY Pickup,Dyane Nomad,Dyane 6,2CV AZL,Falcon S,Trabant P50,3x Land Rovers (88" series 1,109" series 2a FFR,series 2a Marshall ambulance),DKW F7, Lambretta LD150 x 1.5,Mobylette SP93,Ural Cossack,Ural M63,CZ 250 Sport,Honda Varadero 125,lots of bicycles & tricycles including (but not only) Sunbeams,Higgins & Bates!
Elements of frustration . When it is not raining, I am busy. As soon as I step outside it rains. Argh! Winter beckons and all is damp. I have two beached BX in the drive needing finishing off. Homer to MOT and the other TZD 1.7 Turbo, that is rather looking more and more like a donor car, as Gary falls apart in use. I cannot access either workshop thanks to said beached BX and the invasion of Invalid Carriages to be processed.
Anyway I now have my Pallet truck at Rosealan so can start moving Invalid Carriages into the garage where Pluto is lodged. Oh yes, naughty cars go on the pallet truck. If you have some hard-standing well worth a £40 punt on eBay - save Citroens which have droopy wheels when shot! Each needs the three brake drums off, brakes out and reassembled so that the car will roll on its own account. Then they can go round into storage. The unfortunate part of this task is no provision is made to be able to get a seized drum off the brakes. Previously I have belted the drums hard enough to shatter them before they will move. All for the want of three or four threaded holes as used in better quality machines. Hey ho!
Once cleared back I get my drive back. Quick look at Pluto to see if both fluid leaks are a quick fix as he is then drivable and I get a workshop (now proven to take two BX side by side with a Messerschmitt across at the end. Good sized workshop therefore ) back in service once the Stanley range is moved out of the drive. I am annoyed at the IC guys as they have really dumped on me leaving these cars in the way . Silly as I will be charging time on moving them round, as it is a serious inconvenience. Probably be paid by keeping a few of the cars, which suits me as I am a nutter. But the Stanley should be going straight into my new Kitchen, not sat in the rain .
Before all that I have yet to switch the ailing LHM pump over, though as suggested the V belt looks in a poor way on Gary. Most peculiar with the back of the V belt going concave like the rubber has got hot. Must check for alignment. So it could just be a belt issue, but call me Pinky, I no longer seek to get soaked unless I have to. That said it still pumps up with a rear full of Dad's stored wood from before 1957. Our family are not hoarders you know. One day.... And indeed its here and top class seasoned timber worth about £400 to use at the new house . Another load yet to go over. I wonder what is the most overloaded a BX has been. Can you put a dismantled Aga in one!
Miguel - 16 TRS Auto S, light blue, 43k miles - £450
Pluto - 14 E S, White, 105k Miles - in work
Egbert - 19 16v Gti, White, A/C & Leather, - Keeper
Walt - 17 TZD Turbo S, graphite, 70k miles, good op extras - Keeper
Scraper- 17 TZD Turbo E, blue, 208k miles - parts
Homer - 19 TXD E, Red, 189k miles - £250
Gary - 17 TZD Turbo E, 118k miles - in work