Mulley's Valver

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Re: Mulley's Valver

Post by Kitch »

None of reply is meant to come across anti-Mulley on this, Mulley. I'm just being blunt and telling it like I see it, as I think that's the best thing to do.....
MULLEY wrote:It was a consideration regarding getting cubed.
It wasn't, I'd have just given you the scrap value for it :lol:
MULLEY wrote:This car had me really pissed off when Kitch informed that the head was going to have to come off as coolant was pissing out of the core plug at the back of the engine. I mentioned this with the seller (i wouldn't have paid top dollar, well actually over the odds) & would most likely have walked away, so surprise surprise no money was returned back to me :( . So unfortunately with that needing to be done & the cambelt kit/waterpump needing replacing (that bit i did know about), thats pretty much the same price again that i paid for the car :( That & a long list of issues that also need sorting on top of those items means this car is a potential money pit.
It's not the car's fault Mulley. At the end of the day it has been off the road since 2008 or something like that, and would have been taken off the road for a reason and probably put on the back-burner by the owner. He obviously never got round to it, and sold it to the guy you bought it from. I can only assume no body has since put any coolant in it, as if they had they'd know (if they knew anything about cars) that the coolant leak is not just a water pump. The water pump is leaking, true, but nothing like the torrent coming from the other side. But it's a gamble, just like any 22 year old car that was original listed as spares or repair on eBay. And especially one that's been off the road since 2008. As I stated in the original thread, I felt the price was a bit strong and you paid over the odds for it (in my opinion, which might not stack up with other peoples) and so did Steve originall, as he told me he'd paid the same 18months previous. I'm genuinely stunned if you thought it would just need a water pump, cambelt and oil change to drive back to up-north-somewhere mate :shock:
MULLEY wrote:However, i've decided that once i can price up the majority of the bits that i need (i'm forgetting about the cosmetics at the mo tbh), then i think i'm going to try & get the car back on the road. I've even looked at selling some shares that i have, just incase i need to have funds available. The annoying thing is that quite a few jobs could be done for me at no cost, but its so bloody far away its just not worth going down to do it. So the plan is to just get it running & then i'll drive it back so that i can do the work etc...
We could always transport it back to you as it is Mulley. For the short-term, that would cost less.
MULLEY wrote:I must admit, one minute i get really keen with the idea, the next i just start thinking, don't spend another penny on this shed, so i keep changing my mind, damn annoying as i'm usually quite decisive when it comes to shit.
Well, you've never seen it so it's hard to get enthusiastic. If you had the car in front of you, you'd probably sit behind the wheel and start to get excited about it. It's not a shed, that's for sure. It might look like one, and the sorry tale so far might make it sound like one, but underneath it's got potential. In a world where BXs now rot quite badly, you have slim pickings on 16vs as so many fell by the wayside during the Pug205 years. It's almost a case of you buy one, and deal with it until it becomes the car you wanted. The values might be on the up, but any old car that needs a list of work (especially one that's been off the road since 2008) will probably never return you the money. Of all the BX models, the 16v is the most likely to, but it will still take a while yet. And another value to handle the value is, ok so you paid about £300 more than I would have done. But what's £300 in the grand scheme of things when playing old cars? £300 isn't a full days' labour at a garage (even at cheap rates!) At the end of the day, you HAVE a 16v. There are many who would love one, but can't for one reason or another. You've snared one, in a rare colour and with a (largely) solid's as good as BAH at any rate. It will need some love, it will suck some money up for a while, but when you're out in the sticks on a cold winter's day in it sometime soon, and you're blatting from corner to corner cycling up and down the gears and see-sawing at the wheel, you'll wonder what you ever doubted! :lol:
MULLEY wrote:Another ballache is the V5 has come through, & my surname has been mis-spelt, FFS!!! Also interestingly, it appears to have been registered in the owners wifes name & was only done on 10/07/2013. I'm sure i read somewhere that he'd owned it for 18mths, so what happened there then??
Never under-estimate the DVLA's incompetence :lol:
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Re: Mulley's Valver

Post by Tim Leech »

Its an old french car mate, they all do that
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Re: Mulley's Valver

Post by Kitch » ... ink:top:en

There you go, £1000 for a similar car. And yours doesn't have rusting A-pillar tops :!:
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Re: Mulley's Valver

Post by prc86 »

I'd stick with it, as said before corrosion is the real ballache and gets expensive. Knownig the head has been off and rebuilt isn't the worst thing on an old car. Fair enough it costs more short term but makes sense long term.

As i'm sure you know i had contacted the seller about it too before you bought it (wasn't trying to tread on any toes i made sure of that!) and at the money that as discussed it still all adds up to not being a bad buy. Ok not a total bargain but if you were buying a car with your head would you be buying a 16v BX?! lol
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Re: Mulley's Valver

Post by Defender110 »

prc86 wrote:but if you were buying a car with your head would you be buying a 16v BX?! lol

Nail, head :wink:
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Re: Mulley's Valver

Post by Tinkley »

Considering the 1.6 which I bought in 04 with 54k on clock and it threw a rod within 1k.....

I think I spent about 1400 quid on it plus labour so nearer 2k to get it sorted. Recon engine, new spheres, new cooling hoses, new arm bearings, brake flexys etc etc Apart from engine replacement I did all the work on it. If the shell is sound, I echo as above, it is fixable. A core plug is what my 14 did, because the dealer filled it with tap water and antifreeze a no no in an aluminium engine. Check the radiator too as it may be less than pristine....I had to change mine.

Bet it is a good car underneath the surface problems. Kitch tells it like it is and is quite straight, I'm sure.
Guess it is down to, would you buy something newer with depreciation or be happier in the BX?. If you do the sums, the BX may well be cheaper and more satisfactory.

It could always sit on my drive for a bit but it would be outside. I'm about 30 minutes from Kitch (to the NE of him) towards Guildford. If it snows hard though nothing except 4 WD moves round here... :lol:
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Re: Mulley's Valver

Post by Kitch »

prc86 wrote:Ok not a total bargain but if you were buying a car with your head would you be buying a 16v BX?! lol
A 16v is no more troublesome/a liability etc than any other BX. I think the buying one with your head rule applies to all BXs, or any 22yr old car to be fair. A 16v can average 35mpg if driven like a diesel, or 25-30mpg if you drive it like you're supposed to. It has the most comfy seats of any BX, is quick enough to embarrass some modern cars, let alone keep up with traffic and is (almost) all things to all men. There isn't much a 16v doesn badly, apart from being noisy (all BXs are noisy, but the 16v is REALLY noisy on the motorway). I realise I preeching to the choir here, as you already want one :lol:

Only drawback on a 16v is the price of some of the engine parts. Headset on regular BX? £30. Headset on a 16v? £80. But lots of cars have parts that cost even more.

Worth it though :lol:
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Re: Mulley's Valver

Post by RobC »

^^ WHS
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Re: Mulley's Valver

Post by prc86 »

Kitch wrote:
prc86 wrote:Ok not a total bargain but if you were buying a car with your head would you be buying a 16v BX?! lol
A 16v is no more troublesome/a liability etc than any other BX. I think the buying one with your head rule applies to all BXs, or any 22yr old car to be fair. A 16v can average 35mpg if driven like a diesel, or 25-30mpg if you drive it like you're supposed to. It has the most comfy seats of any BX, is quick enough to embarrass some modern cars, let alone keep up with traffic and is (almost) all things to all men. There isn't much a 16v doesn badly, apart from being noisy (all BXs are noisy, but the 16v is REALLY noisy on the motorway). I realise I preeching to the choir here, as you already want one :lol:

Only drawback on a 16v is the price of some of the engine parts. Headset on regular BX? £30. Headset on a 16v? £80. But lots of cars have parts that cost even more.

Worth it though :lol:
Yeah the comment was aimed at bx's in general. As you say, any 22 yr old car! I just believe that sometimes you have to let your heart rule your head with old cars. Too many crushed because people didn't do that. Whatever way you look at it, it is worth while. Keep it a few years and you'll likely make money on it.

I did it wih my BMW E28, sat on it a couple years and they are now consistantly gaining value all the time. Not that i ever intend selling but you get the idea!
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Re: Mulley's Valver

Post by mds141 »

I paid £1600 for my valver on eBay. I developed bidding 'fever' and after being the high bidder for nigh on five days, I was determined I was having it.

I've since spent £1200 on the cosmetics, the rear arch/sill area and the bumpers and other areas of paintwork rectification. I've probably spent another £500 on mechanical work, namely, cam belt, clutch, disc/pads, etc and £300 for the custom built stainless steel exhaust.

I don't regret it for one minute, as has been said previously, the valver is a highly addictive beast. :)
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Re: Mulley's Valver

Post by mat_fenwick »

Sometimes the best decisions in life make absolutely no financial sense.

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Re: Mulley's Valver

Post by Stinkwheel »

mat_fenwick wrote:Sometimes the best decisions in life make absolutely no financial sense.

All, all decisions in life make no financial sense (when citroens are concerned anyway) :mrgreen:
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Re: Mulley's Valver

Post by Paul296 »

mat_fenwick wrote:Sometimes the best decisions in life make absolutely no financial sense.
Correct. Currently, we're encouraged to think that if the pennies don't stack up then somehow it's a mad idea - as if life was only 'pennies'! I've sunk a considerable amount of cash into my cars that is now gone - frittered away if you want to look at it like that - but I also factor in the pleasure I get from getting something old and unloved looking lovely, the people I meet, and the friends that I make that I wouldn't in the normal run of things - in my view that's money well spent. The opportunity it affords to give the finger to corporate 'new car' culture, is an added bonus.

If money and being 'sensible' is your main priority, put 2 grand down on a new Ford Focus, pay £150 a month for a couple of years then punt it on once its out of warranty: that's 'sensible' and frankly, I'd rather walk (and be late probably!).

Obviously, you can't be led by your heart all the time - there are practical considerations, but thinking only with your head - when it comes to cars - is in my opinion a VERY over-rated virtue!.
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Re: Mulley's Valver

Post by mat_fenwick »

Paul296 wrote:thinking only with your head - when it comes to cars - is in my opinion a VERY over-rated virtue!.
Not just with cars - life goes by so very quickly, and how often do you look back 10 years and think "I'm glad I saved a few pennies there"? Compared with the pleasurable memories I have of just doing something impulsive, often foolish and usually expensive! In fact I may not be married now if I'd done the sensible thing.

Sorry for turning this into a philosophical discussion :oops:

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Re: Mulley's Valver

Post by Tim Leech »

Quite agree, to put my two penneth in... I am just embarking on a rolling restoration on a rotten, battered and worn BX estate which to anyone else (asides us lunatics) should have been weighed in years ago. But thats not what we do, I will no doubt spend hundreds on it, for it to be worth about sweet f.a when its done!


Well..... were BX enthusiasts and its about the fun, comorardry and shared enthusiasm of the project (the NEC buzz was a real testament to that) and when the suns shining, were in a field full of old french tat, surrounded by equally unhinged Citroen nutters it will all be worth it!

I am often asked by my Mum why I dont sell my "old cars" and use the money to open a savings account to put some by for a rainy day.....well I have an umbrella so I will stick to what I enjoy.
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