X Rally 2014 - Sunday 27th April

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Re: X Rally.

Post by Dollywobbler »

To be fair, the world does need people like Patrick. Having specialists boosts interest. If you're going to sell cars, then sadly you do end up copping flack for profiteering - happens a lot in the 2CV world too. I'd hate to sell cars for a living, because there are too many twunts in the world, and it's possibly the least secure method of paying your mortgage that I could imagine (like being a freelance writer!). It'd destroy my enjoyment of the cars if I had to see them as paying my bills.

As for the X Rally. I can't justify travelling so far east so like last year, I'm unlikely to attend if it's over that way. Cov Transport Museum perhaps?
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Re: X Rally.

Post by Tim Leech »

Stinkwheel wrote:Tim,
We dont do this for money, if there was money in the rare and unusual citroens ive owned over the years (last count approx 200 odd citroen cars - remember im a private individual with a full time non citroen job)

we do it for the love of them. If thats not enough for some people, thats a shame.

You and me both bud, my hobby costs me alot of time and money but I wouldnt change it and the weird and wonderful people who share it with me.

Its a shame we didnt know about this last year to give us more time as its 7 weeks this weekend to its normal time. I'm hoping between us we can sort something.

Im at a CCC board meeting Sunday and will have a chat with the guys how we stand about PLI etc.
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Re: X Rally.

Post by Stinkwheel »

Thank you for your efforts Tim (and thanks to all the CCC who will put in effort on our behalf)

Its a shame that Charlotte and I have so much on at the moment as we would be volunteering to help too.
Doctor Of Gonzo Journalism!!!
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Re: X Rally.

Post by Tim Leech »

As long as that we get a good attendance if it does get organised. I think if by next week noone has raised and objections to the location or valid alternatives someone should contact Burleigh House.
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Re: X Rally.

Post by citsncycles »

If it's the usual weekend I think I'm working, but don't let that stop the rest of you putting on a great event!
Mike Sims
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Re: X Rally.

Post by Defender110 »

Stinkwheel wrote:Tim,

Im sure there is a more prosaic approach than the one ive spelt out and yes retiring is one (and a good one if you can amange to have accumulated that much cash by that sort of age)

I hope people can understand that from the outside it looks a lot like...

'Ive not got the same captive market as i used to have and i shant bother if there isnt the money to be made'


That's a very presumptuous statement , there could be any number of reasons ranging from ill health to simply had enough, any of which are entirely his own choice and business. :?
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Re: X Rally.

Post by Tim Leech »

Afaik he has been doing it for years and has decided to pack it in so I wish him the best in what he does.

Anyway do we have any suggestions about where to hold the X Rally this year?
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Re: X Rally.

Post by Stinkwheel »

Defender110 wrote: That's a very presumptuous statement , there could be any number of reasons ranging from ill health to simply had enough, any of which are entirely his own choice and business. :?

It IS a very presumptuous staement, Its also very presumptuous of you not to think i have not had dealings with aforemention gentleman in the past, Ones where i showed very good faith and generosity as you would to fellow citroen enthusiasts, then to find my generosity has assisted in me gaining nothing but others making large profits.

Im making no bones, good luck to the man, if he can afford and wishes or is forced to retire i wish him the best.

I think its a bit off to simply 'drop' the club activities as it no longer suits.

I also think its a bit off to not actually tell anyone in the club this until enquiries are made.

We all see things differently.
Doctor Of Gonzo Journalism!!!
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Re: X Rally.

Post by Tim Leech »

I too was a little surprised that we were in the dark about the lack of the X Rally, especially when in the past a big deal of it was made, but some people are like that.

Last year remember the BX Digit appeared restored yet I had no idea it was in the hands of the Rugg's, I guess thats there decision, personally as a fellow BX'er I would have wanted to share in the ownership experience and project, but as Franklin is the CCC webmaster and deals with the events page I do find it rather odd.

I am trying to ascertain whether the CXM will go ahead in September although I know there were others involved in that one.
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Re: X Rally.

Post by Defender110 »

Stinkwheel wrote: Its also very presumptuous of you not to think i have not had dealings with aforemention gentleman in the past, Ones where i showed very good faith and generosity as you would to fellow citroen enthusiasts, then to find my generosity has assisted in me gaining nothing but others making large profits.
Sorry mate, fail to see how that is anyway presumptuous on my part but hey ho!
1997 Mercedes C230 W202
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Re: X Rally.

Post by Stinkwheel »

Fair enough, I'm not here to argue, I just have opinions. Like we all do.
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Re: X Rally.

Post by Citroening »

Rightio chaps, I have been asked on behalf of my father (Patrick) to post the following as he is not a user of forums.

I thought I should announce the following to clarify the situation for all including those with bizarre theories of their own dreamt up within their tiny minds!

As of the 4th February this year I retired from my business (more details on my own website - link) and as of today (19th February) I have resigned as Chairman of the CX ,XM and Xantia Section of the Citroen Car Club. This is upon the instruction of my Doctor.

I wish the incoming Chairman all the best and hope the Section can continue to run smoothly. I must thank the current committee for their sterling work under my watch.

I am delighted that the X Rally will apparently be continued with. This was a show of my own inauguration, my baby if you like, and was delighted at it's success. At this point I would like to point out to the sceptics that I bought every trophy and prize from my own pocket for this show never seeking any advertising or reward for it - not the action of a profiteering car dealer that some brand me as which is most hurtful. Likewise the majority of raffle prizes at the CX, XM and Xantia Rally were donated by myself - again for no gain other than the success of the show and ultimately your enjoyment. I hope the sceptics feel guilty because they are.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the hundreds of you that have done business with me over the last 4 decades.

Many thanks,
Patrick Rugg
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Re: X Rally.

Post by Citroening »

Just to clarify so nobody get's confused, the above posting was on behalf of my father, and this post is from me.

Firstly, I have decided that I will be stepping down as Secretary of the CX, XM and Xantia Section of the CCC.

This is firstly due to my University commitments that are taking the vast majority of my time nowadays, and also that I do not wish to continue considering that Dad is stepping down as Chairman too.

Thanks go to you all on the committee for doing a great job and I hope that the Section will go from strength to strength in the future.
Tim Leech wrote:Last year remember the BX Digit appeared restored yet I had no idea it was in the hands of the Rugg's, I guess thats there decision, personally as a fellow BX'er I would have wanted to share in the ownership experience and project, but as Franklin is the CCC webmaster and deals with the events page I do find it rather odd.
I thought that you would of been pleased that the Digit was finally restored Tim? The Digit was a car that's been covered many times before on these pages, and it's partly because of that that I decided not to go shouting from the rooftops about it. The amount of times that I read "I'll give it the restoration it deserves" or words to that affect was quite ludicrous - nobody did, of course... So upon acquiring the Digit from Richard I decided that I would restore it - and I did. If I didn't want anybody to know about it then I wouldn't have made the effort firstly finish it in time for the X Rally so that you BXers could see a very special car. Thought that it would of been quite a pleasant surprise to see the Digit at the Rally and finally back on the road again after too many a year. I didn't have to take it, I took my C4 and especially organised and paid a driver to drive the Digit there for me. I didn't have to restore it, could of easily scrapped it, but I didn't... There's lots of projects out there that people are quietly getting on with at their own pace, there's no rule that people have to report that I own X and will be doing this/that to it...
Tim Leech wrote:but as Franklin is the CCC webmaster and deals with the events page I do find it rather odd.
Indeed I am the CCC Webmaster, and I update the Calendar on the website, however I cannot put anything on the Events Calendar about a show that hasn't got any dates - there was nothing to report on hence no mention.
Stinkwheel wrote:Fair enough, I'm not here to argue, I just have opinions. Like we all do.
Doesn't mean they're right, though, Matt.

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Re: X Rally.

Post by Stinkwheel »

Accepted Franklin. And that's exactly what opinions are.
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Re: X Rally.

Post by mds141 »

Thanks for the update Franklin. I'd just like to wish both yourself and your dad all the best for the future. Keep a look out for me next time you're visiting Heysham. :)
Mark Smith

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