TOC NATIONAL RALLY 2014 (Email from CCC)

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Tim Leech
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TOC NATIONAL RALLY 2014 (Email from CCC)

Post by Tim Leech »

Subject: ToC National Rally
Hi All

I have been asked by Barry Annells who has organised this year's annual ToC Rally to extend an invitation to alll CCC members who might be interested in joining up with the ToC at their Sunday outing, This year it is at Burghley House (as was the X Rally) on Sunday 22 June from 10:30 onwards. Entry will be £7.50 to cover the site fees, and all are welcome. There should be around 30 tractions gathered there..

Please circulate this to any members of your Section/ Group/Register you think may be interested and able to attend.


Alan Kemp
Section Liaison.
Lots of Motors, mostly semi broken....