Is there anyone of you planing to drive his fabulous BX's wheels on the famous circuit of Le Mans this summer
I cannot be there on Sunday , just planning to participate en Friday & Saturnday
Just an idea : Crossing the channel Newhaven>Dieppe could be something more interesting compared to the "tunnel" in Calais for most of you…!
Development must go through simplification
1986 BX 16 RS 9 000 miles bleu romantique
1987 BX 16 TRS automatic white 50 000 miles
We will be there from Friday onwards in the Sport… We had intended to take the 16v or Van but the latter is still a little way off finishing and we've had a lot of trouble getting driveshafts for the 16V…
Yes the new right-hand one Andy put in was found to be clicking after the left-hand one was replaced the second time… Hopefully the left one which I think is a Xsara shaft but with a BX ABS sensor ring won't cause any trouble And we have a similar Xsara shaft on order now for the right side together with a BX ABS ring. Additionally I'm getting in France two correct driveshafts from Mister Auto who can supply in France and the Netherlands the correct ones but Mister Auto UK don't and won't supply.
we arrived about 10pm on the Thur 7th, so tired we slept in the car and put the tent up in the rain on Fri the 8th,
it was dry on our arrival at the site ,
the best bits were watching the D's CX's and SM's driving round the circuit on Saturday, the A series on Sunday,
then the finarly us driving round amongst all models,
apart from that the hole event seemed to be for the French all about the french , french french french french french french french , the program was only in French the tannoy was all in French,
also the Concourse De Elegance apeared to just be French cars,
regards malcolm
curent ride
K reg BX 17TD TZD est
also own
K reg D special
no longer have
H reg CX saffari 2.5 TRI (now gone to Malaysia)
R reg xantia 1.9TD est (gone to meet its maker)