bxzx16v wrote:Gti vs 16v, it's closer than what you'd think, don't ask me how I know

. A more interesting match would be a Zx16v vs Bx16v

The two ZX 16vs I drove (one was I car I owned) wouldn't know which way the BX went

Much more sluggish than a decent 16v (though I admit, not all 16vs are decent performers).
Xsara VTS is the tool you need to beat a BX 16v in my experience. Not a huge difference, but the Xsara's just a little bit faster in every way. I'm pretty sure the Saxo VTS could make a BX 16v look silly up until around 70mph. It's definitely quicker in 2nd gear, though I've not had to the chance to 'compare' them like I did the ZX.
If memory serves we had a BX 16v vs. ZX 16v vs. tweaked Activa sprint on the A34 once. BX won, but I can't remember the other two. Think the ZX lost, but we concluded that if the Activa was standard, the ZX probably would have bettered it.
edit: Forgot to say, tidy car. Congrats!