It's back

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It's back

Post by Hurricane »

The TXD, now insured, taxed, MOT'd & back on the road after a 5 year exile. 4 new tyres, new exhaust, new starter motor & new ignition barrel amongst a few jobs that have been done.

Took it out for a few short drives, there is we think a problem with some air in the fuel line, or something similar so it keeps leaking and cutting out. This and couple of other small jobs are being sorted in a garage this week.

The car will be getting sold sometime in the future, to an enthusiast on here or some were else, it wont be e-bayed. We're after a 16v/GTI something more desirable in the long run and will be keeping the Hurricane.

This is a great car, I'm proud of it, drives beautifully and is now back on the scene in Preston. Here's a few pics from my phone last night, will get some better pics up this week, thank you for looking!

Out she comes.





With it's Twinny.

J BX TZD Turbo Hurricane
J BX TZD Turbo
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My Cars: Citroen BX 17 TZD Hurricane
Citroen BX 17 TGD

Re: It's back

Post by Paul296 »

Top BXs - and nice photos. 8)