raynoon's 19 TGD Break

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1997 Rover 100 Knightsbridge
2006 Peugeot 307SW 1.6HDi SE
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raynoon's 19 TGD Break

Post by raynoon »

Hi, some of you may know me from the XM forum (I recognise some of your usernames)

I've just dipped my toe into BX ownership, I currently have 5 or 6 XM's and I've been wanting something different for a while now.

So, on Friday, a BX 19 TGD dropped into my lap and I quickly set the wheels in motion.

I picked it up yesterday and drove in back from Yoxhall near Lichfield to Liverpool, some 70 miles, all without incident. It's not perfect, there are a fair few minor issues to deal with.

I don't know how to upload pictures yet, but once I do, I'll edit this post and add some pics.

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Re: raynoon's 19 TGD Break

Post by Tim Leech »

Yoxall is 10 miles from me! Welcome aboard
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Re: raynoon's 19 TGD Break

Post by Defender110 »

Yes. welcome aboard. Here's a link on how to post pictures.

1997 Mercedes C230 W202
2003 Land Rover Discovery Series 2 Facelift TD5 - Daily driver / hobby days and camping.
1993 Land Rover Discovery 200tdi Series 1 3 door - in need of TLC
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My Cars: 1990 XM 2.1 SED
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1992 XM 2.1 SD
1993 XM 2.1 turbo D
1997 Rover 100 Knightsbridge
2006 Peugeot 307SW 1.6HDi SE
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Re: raynoon's 19 TGD Break

Post by raynoon »

The BX hasn't moved since I got it home, a few jobs need doing before it can be driven safely

I started with changing the front brakes, passenger side went well, however, the drivers side caliper sliders have seized, so they need replacing, and a leak off pipe had split.

The rear trailing arm bearings/bushes also need doing, along with another leak off pipe which had been worn away over the top of the trailing arm pivot.

The engine was ticking over around 1100rpm, that has been sorted, so ticking over nice and quiet now.

The 2 front electric Windows need looking at, neither of them operate.

The steering wheel moves in and out by about 10mm, that needs looking at too.

The drivers seat is severely worn, but still comfortable, the whole interior needs a good shampoo, I'll probably strip it and shampoo the carpets too. Some of the trim needs putting back together, the radio wiring needs looking at, and it needs a good polish. I think that's it..

Oh, the roof rails are missing...
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1993 XM 2.1 turbo D
1997 Rover 100 Knightsbridge
2006 Peugeot 307SW 1.6HDi SE
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Re: raynoon's 19 TGD Break

Post by raynoon »

Brakes and front leak off pipe now sorted.
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Re: raynoon's 19 TGD Break

Post by jamescarruthers »

Hi Ray. Good luck with the BX. All my BX's were significantly more reliable than the XM!
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Previous BX's:
A966 XRL -- BX 16 TRS
H767 BEG -- BX 14 TGE
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1992 XM 2.1 SD
1993 XM 2.1 turbo D
1997 Rover 100 Knightsbridge
2006 Peugeot 307SW 1.6HDi SE
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Re: raynoon's 19 TGD Break

Post by raynoon »

Sorry to say I haven't really done much with the BX, I'm currently using the boot to store some tools in, it starts up first time, it's taxed, insured and MOT'd and taking up space...

I'm considering passing it to someone who'll keep it running.