My BX GTi does it again !

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My BX GTi does it again !

Post by Jaba »

Those of you familiar with my GTi and its uncanny ability to break down when on a one of the Challenges/BXagons around France will not be surprised to learn that after I decided to join the CCC Eastern section jaunt around the NW and the Lakes last weekend that the exhaust central section snapped in half just as I got to the first night hotel !
I tried to get it fixed locally but was let down by non delivery of a part showing as in stock. So I had to do the rally as a passenger in another Citroen and then unhooked the rest of the rearend of the exhaust and put it in the boot to drive home, after buying and inserting good earplugs to avoid being deafened.

So deffo not a case of third time lucky.
The Joy of BX with just one Citroën BX to my name now. Will I sing Bye Bye to my GTI or will it be Till death us do part.
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Tim Leech
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Re: My BX GTi does it again !

Post by Tim Leech »

Oh dear John

You don't have much luck

Easily sorted though.
Lots of Motors, mostly semi broken....