Chris' BX blog

Tell us about life with your BX, or indeed life in general!
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by xantia_v6 »

So which set of keys do you want to pick up in the morning, the BX or the XM?
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by white exec »

Well, there's a question, Mike...

At the moment the focus has been on getting the BX thoroughly serviced, legal, and something that can be relied on. XM has been watching from the comfort of the garage.

The BX will become the 'daily', for all the local runs, and will be so much nicer to drive than our 2003 RAV4, with its rugged but decidedly agricultural 2.0 D4D. We've put 240k km on the Toyota, but never got in any way attached to it. It was essential when getting to/from our house and the locality involved rocky and muddy mountain tracks, but those days are no more.

The XM remains the choice for really long and rapid journeys, in silence and incredible comfort, and no trace of fatigue. Airport runs (120km round trip) for visitors and family suit it too, and we now have some of the kids with a house in France, not far from Poitiers - a two-day drive from here.

I just count us lucky to have the choice of two rather good cars, both involving and enjoyable in their own ways, similar in appeal, but different. If I had to let one go (which will happen, I'm sure), it will be the XM that will stay, no doubt about that.
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by rutter123 »

Are you sure you are getting full throttle and your pedal box isn't cracked?
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by white exec »

Pedal action is ok, and min and max pedal positions correspond to min and max pump lever movement.
I will take a look at the pedal box, just in case something is awry there.

Did a couple of journeys today, and was annoyed to hear a clonking sound from the front left wheel area. Was convinced a wheel bearing was on the way out. After parking the car near our post office, when I walked back to it I noticed the radiator drain hose (a 30cm hose, with a plug and hose-clip in its end) dangling down to ground level! I had forgotten to hitch it up properly, and it had obviously been flailing and clonking for a few km. [-X Tucked back up, noise gone. Relief.
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by Jaba »

We like relief at happy endings like that.....
The Joy of BX with just one Citroën BX to my name now. Will I sing Bye Bye to my GTI or will it be Till death us do part.
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by white exec »

Good news this afternoon, with the car passing its examination in Malaga (lengthy and expensive ITV/MoT) for matriculation on to Spanish plates and paperwork. \:D/ No faults and no advisories, and an improbable smoke test figure of 0.07 m-¹. I think the tester was just going gently with the procedure. Some interest in the car out in the testing station car park (BX's are a rare sight here now), and the testers amazed at the good state of the vehicle.

Brakes scored really well and balanced L-R, and the parking brake (with new cables) more than did its stuff. The 'invisible' rear centre seat belt was never given a glance - a potential worry. A new 2-point lap belt should arrive tomorrow, at a grand cost of €14.

Several sizes of blanking grommet on order, including the inner-wing 37x65mm elongated one (6988 52) from Citroen. Still available, it is fitted to a string of more recent models. There are lots of 35mm circular ones on the car (7203 79), and 14mm, but these sizes are easily found on Amazon, etc. Most of the underbody grommets on the car are in a pretty fragile state, and several have just crumbled away, so need some replacements to go with a cavity waxing in the new year.
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by white exec »

CD/Radio update
Found some time (and some welcome Crimbo vouchers!) over Xmas-NewYear to get something done about the old and tatty audio in the car.

The door speakers were well and truly shot...
and the probably not original Clarion head unit sounded no better, being quality stuff from Hong Kong...
So, new door speakers (PylePro PDMW5, from Amazon)
and a couple of tweeters (and simple crossovers) to fill the previously empty dash spaces...
A new Sony CD/radio/aux/usb unit (CDX-G1302U, also from Amazon)
I already had one of these in the XM, and was impressed with the unit, and its unobtrusive (green, other colours available) display. It also accepts a simple resistive remote control - for the BX a microswitch joystick added to the steering column.
This gives the four most useful of the Sony's remote functions: Vol+, Vol?, Previous, and Next...
After a lot of searching, I found this dinky item (only takes up about 50mm square behind the panel) on Ebay: ... 2749.l2649
Not particularly cheap, but available (iirc RS and Farnell also have it - but so far unable to find it on AliExpress).
A couple of other added switches put in the recessed cubby, for Wiper interval and manual Radiator Fan control.
That last one is still to be wired up, with a couple of tell-tale LEDs for the the two fan speeds.
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by white exec »

Jan 4, and the BX getting some regular use now, a mixture of local mountain roads, urban and motorway.

I know that diesel hydropneumatic Citroens thrive on being driven, and this one seems no exception. Taking delivery of the car and first excursions were a tad concerning, as the amount of get-up-and-go was decidedly limited, and not at all what I remember from our previous 1.9D. After belts, fluids, filters and tyre changes, there has been a noticeable increase in pulling power, coinciding with some decent fuel and diesel cleaner working its way round the system.

Two long local inclines needing a bit of rapid progress - one a long 700m uphill access ramp on to a motorway - were a bit embarrassing, but no more: the car now flies up it at a decent lick, and with not a sign of smoke. OK, not the near warp speed of the XM, but quite respectable all the same.

The suspension has been running on Hydraurinçage for over a month now, and is doing its stuff smoothly. The ride at speed is extraordinarily good. There's still some nobbliness at low speeds on ridged and poorly finished concrete roads, which is to be expected. Have dropped the pressure in the Michelins from the recommended 2.1 bar to 1.9, and low speed cushioning has improved. Might try dropping just a little more - tyre shape still looks much the same.

On a couple of motorway runs before Christmas, noticed a persistent gearbox whine, in 5th, and just at the most annoying speed possible - 110km/h (68mph). It disappeared at and over 120km/h, the legal limit here. The oil in box was the correct type (Total Gear 8, 75W80 GL-4) and the correct level, so decided to try adding a dose of Forte Gear & Diff Treatment. Don't have much truck with oil additives, but the noise was annoying, I didn't want to upset the synchro action or gear engagement with a heavier oil, and Forte do have something of a decent reputation. Well, a 300ml tube of it (€18) went in, and the noise has gone. I haven't had such a good additive result since tipping a quantity of Molyslip into the rear diff on my 1935 Rover Ten in 1967. :)
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by rutter123 »

Do you think a 300mm tube of Forte would stop my Mrs from whining?
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by white exec »

She must be a very demanding lady! :roll:
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by white exec »

Well, finally got there - importation process completed, and now with final paperwork and on Spanish plates.
"L..." reg! A 28-year-old car on a 2021 plate! Spain moves in mysterious ways :roll:
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by white exec »

A few more bits and pieces on the go, including some improvements to boot and interior lighting. Some photos will follow, when it's all done.

Tyre pressures

Car has new Michelin Energy Saver+ all round, 165/70 R14.
Wasn't expecting these to be at all nobbly, but found that they were on lumpy ground and poorly finished concrete (rural) roads.

A-pillar label specifies 2.1bar for all four, so tried reducing them to 1.9bar. This made an appreciable difference, but still a tad harsh. After a few days' use, dropped further to 1.8bar (the lowest which seemed sensible), and the difference in ride is noticeably better. No sign of sidewall sag or steering heaviness, and handling remains good.

Today, while reading a BX14 ('90) blog on, was interested to see the same tyres, at 1.8 bar.
. BX tyre press.JPG
I know a 19D is a tad heavier (at the front) than a 14 TU, and that Eco considerations have focussed on rolling resistance, but interesting that this lower tyre pressure was specified.
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by white exec »

Another month of regular use, and now a bit over 2500km driven since getting the car on to the public roads in December.

Lowering the tyre pressures to 1.8bar has been a good move. Surprisingly, performance is still continuing to improve, with the engine quietening down at both idle and particularly under power. I guess the injectors are benefiting from the cleaner in the fuel, now at 1:1000, and maybe compression improving with some spirited use.

Have been doing a few more tweaks to the electrics, including fitting a new front overhead light (in place of the redundant IR plip receiver), and a couple of additional rear seat cabin/reading lights, ex-XM/605. A few warm white LED replacements for some of the interior lights. Details and photos to follow.

A pair of OE Mixo horns have arrived, to replace the rather unassertive single one. Have also started to fit the DRLs into the front indicator units.

A couple of coats of Oxirite (=Hammerite) Bronze (almost an exact colour match for the bodywork's Sable) for the battery shelf today, to swat some minor surface rust/acid corrosion.
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by Tim Leech »

I always remember our BX Diesels were 30psi all around.

Did you fit the early style rear lamps? They would have originally been the smoked type
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by white exec »

No, they were there when I bought the car, Tim.
They're on the list, and plenty of them to be had, thank goodness.