Chris' BX blog

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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by rutter123 »

That's the ones, do you think that they were installed as a foresight knowing that the front and rear speakers would biodegrade and the rattles of plastic trim and the noise of the diesel engine would at some point become unbearable so you could at least plug your headphones in.
Has anyone ever used them?
Or knew they were even there?
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by white exec »

Probably intended to keep the kids occupied in the back seat. Early-days 'multimedia'.
Be thankful, posh models could have got VHS 8-[ .
I did once, 25 years ago, try one of them out. Underwhelmed, and forgotten.
The Millesime doesn't even have them, just blanks.
A couple of USBs would be more useful these days.
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by white exec »

A/C progress
So, with new seals, new oil and a new dryer and pressostat, the car went to be re-gassed with R134a this morning.
Initial 45min vacuum-down suggested a small leak somewhere, and this was confirmed as a significant leak when the system was partly filled/pressurised.

UV showed up a leak from the compressor (end plate with ports), and so a new compressor is to be ordered.
Price for new less than I thought. Will fit myself, and return for a repeat checking. Hopefully no further leakage.

Not too unhappy about needing to replace a 30-year-old compressor, which hopefully will provide reliability.
There is also a crack on one of the four mounting lugs, so another reason to renew.
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by Jaba »

I bought a new compressor 2 or 3 years ago for about £200 and I think that is still the going rate. They are very fiddly to get on and off aren't they.
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by xantia_v6 »

That is not a bad outcome. Lets hope that there are no other issues lurking.
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by white exec »

Yes, access to the top mounting bolts is a bit of a fiddle, plus the unexpected discovery that the fixings needed 16mm sockets/rings - not the commonest size in the toolbox. Presumably not the usual 17mm for the thread because of limited nut clearance.

Cit parts has the compressor replacement (new, NFP) simply listed as 6453 H6, but this seems to cover a multitude of Sanden SD-709 variations. The one on the car (SD-709 7708) interestingly doesn't appear.
Cit BX compressor pt.nos..JPG
My garage has asked that I remove the compressor and bring it in to them, so they can verify an exact replacement. Job for tomorrow.

Pleased at the availability of replacements - choice of four on Mister Auto ES
- Nissens, Valeo, Lucas, Lizarte
Wonder if these are all made by Sanden?
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by white exec »

Garage went all sluggish with this this morning :? , so I have ordered a replacement new compressor from Mister Auto.
Nissens (and the Lucas one) are stated as Sanden.
The Nissens one (#89171, replacing OEN 6453H6) drawing confirms exactly the same dimensions as the original Sanden SD-709).
€279.90 incl tax. Should be here in one week.
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by white exec »

Yesterday, new Nissens (= Sanden) compressor fitted, with new coupling seals. Re-gassing Monday 0900, so fingers crossed.

Tomorrow, Friday, a new towbar being fitted by a local Lafuente agent. Needs professional fitting and certification here, and additional examination by ITV (vehicle inspectorate). The electrics I can do myself: new metal 12N socket and gasket, spare 12N plug, and 2m of 7-core all for the grand sum of €12 - bargain!
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by white exec »

This morning, car taken to have a Lafuente BX towbar fitted.

A cosmetically very neat install, using the two vertical 'towing' flanges either side of the spare, and not involving any cutting of the rear bumper/valance. Adequate, but I may well add some forward-connecting braces after the inspectorate has finished with all the paperwork.

A token 12N socket attached (by agreement), which I'll replace and properly wire into the rear-light wiring myself. 'Erberts best kept away from this sort of thing.

Collected the car late afternoon, but was unprepared for a decidedly sea-sickness-inducing drive back along a slightly undulating motorway. Pulling off, discovered that suspension at the rear was permanently Firm, irrespective of ride height, and not improved by some Citrobics. WTH?

My guess is that the workshop would have had the car on the 4-leg lift, and let the wheels hang. This slackness could have dislodged the proper engagement of the rear rams. Well, that's my guess. Tomorrow, will lift the back end, and investigate. Until the workshop session today, all was sweetness and light, and a sublime ride. Front end AOK; fluid level OK. More anon...

Monday 0900: A/C regas, following the leaky compressor replacement. Hoping for a cool outcome :-$ .
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by xantia_v6 »

If all of the heights can be selected orrectly, then you almost certainly have a ruptured sphere.
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by white exec »

Hole-in-one, Mike. Well done. (Might actually be a hole in one, come to think of it...)

In cold light of day this morning (and heavy rain, maybe all day now), a quick bounce test shows front AOK, but just RR gone solid.
Explains the slightly twisty taking of long speed ramps.
Will try a re-gas on that one (already Valprexed) - last done and checked back in November - but replace if kaput.
Have a couple of temp ok spares for back end, if needed.
Never a dull moment.
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by white exec »

Rain backed off for a spell this morning, so progress:

RR sphere was indeed ruptured, so replaced with an XM RR, set to correct pressure. That'll do temporarily.

While underneath, noticed the bottom seam of the intermediate exhaust box was rusty and slightly opened up. Pushed it gently back, and made it worse. Now decidely noisy. New Bosal box ordered from Mr.A.

Wired in the towbar socket to L and R rear-lights.

Just as finished, a clap of thunder and more rain. Timing is everything.
Enough excitement for one day.
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by Jaba »

white exec wrote: Sat Jun 05, 2021 12:18 pm
While underneath, noticed the bottom seam of the intermediate exhaust box was rusty and slightly opened up. Pushed it gently back, and made it worse. Now decidely noisy. New Bosal box ordered from Mr.A.
Interesting, Bosal eh. I have just fitted a new Bosal as well to the middle position. Although new it too leaks water a bit from the bottom seam. The predecessor leaked there too. Looks like a bad design decision to fit the seam on the lower side instead of the top. I guess the expectation is that it will quickly rust up solid and become water and gas tight.
I have taken to using high temperature silicone to seal the clamps and this seems to work well so far instead of the fire cement type sealer.
The Joy of BX with just one Citroën BX to my name now. Will I sing Bye Bye to my GTI or will it be Till death us do part.
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by white exec »

Hi Jabs,

Always had good experiences with Bosal. Was OE on the diesel XM, with the steel boxes "aluminised".

Diesel exhausts tend to last much longer than petrol, presumably because of the lack of water they have to put up with, and the much larger quantity of air pushed through.

I vaguely recall some exhaust boxes having, from new, a small (1.5mm?) hole in their lowest parts, which I guess was there to allow condensation to be blown out. The hole was small enough not to constitute an audible leak. I think Gough stainless did this too. Do I remember correctly?

Bosal was the only non-budget make on Mr.A, so went with that. Delivery due 1 week. Hopefully, it'll fit without a struggle; never easy with part systems!

Car all back together again now. Nothing planned for tomorrow. A/C again Monday morning.
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Re: Chris' BX blog

Post by white exec »

Had quite forgotten all about "muffler weep holes". Plenty of web photos of them, and forum chat.
Short journeys are the killer when it comes to condensation, and I reckon this BX had more than its fair share, judging by the way it drove when I first got it.