Hydraurincage wanted

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Re: Hydraurincage wanted

Post by Dave_16v »

Aviation fluid (red oil) was around before LHM, it has lower viscosity and MilSpec for example, now has a higher VI than LHM and it meets a lot of the system requirements, OK with seals, corrosion, non foaming etc. It could be used to flush a system in that it's thinner.
I am not recommending it, it's up to everyone to research themselves with anything like like this unless it is an established method. I think reasonably regular changes and filter cleaning negates the need but with some cars having numerous owners, you really don't know their history and flushing might beneficial.
Prefer it to the Lamborghini, like Signor Gandini!

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Re: Hydraurincage wanted

Post by Tim Leech »

I find just changing the LHM, and cleaning the filters out worked ok, if the car is performing as it should then I wouldn't bother flushing
Lots of Motors, mostly semi broken....
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Re: Hydraurincage wanted

Post by white exec »

Where the H'cage came in was when the system was extremely dirty, due to lack of previous LHM changes.
It was particularly good as washing off internal black deposits.
MSDS listed it as essentially LHM, but with added cleaning aromatics.