Saggy offside rear

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Re: Saggy offside rear

Post by RobC »

It’s been like this for years, but I always convinced myself it was an optical illusion, so I didn’t properly investigate. Like you, I couldn’t fathom how it could be happening, didn’t seem to make sense.

However the other day my sister was driving behind me and remarked on it, so I finally got out the tape measure and confirmed the wonk!

The last time the anti roll bar was touched it was at a famous BX specialist having the rear arms regreased. I’m sure they put everything back together correctly of course... 😙

Perhaps the ARB is bent. It’s not making any noises so I doubt it’s flapping around unsecured.
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Re: Saggy offside rear

Post by David »

If it's a 16v, then I'd be inclined to think that the anti roll bar is set wrong on the rear arm(s).

The ARB has a splined fitment on the 16v's if I'm correct?, so, it just needs the clamps both aligning with each other on the rear arms and it'll sit level.

It can't be the cylinders or rods themselves as the suspension would adjust to accommodate the different lengths and thus take more oil in one cylinder & less in the other until the car sat level & height corrector turned the oil off.

It could, however, be a bent rear arm too, but I doubt it as they're thick metal and would be hard to bend.

Have a look underneath and let us know what you find.

Hope that helps.
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Re: Saggy offside rear

Post by Dave_16v »

David wrote: Wed Apr 28, 2021 10:53 pm If it's a 16v, then I'd be inclined to think that the anti roll bar is set wrong on the rear arm(s).

The ARB has a splined fitment on the 16v's if I'm correct?
Yes, they do David. That's a good suggestion and could well explain the difference quoted at various heights with the change in torsion. Possibly set wrong initially or later slipped within one of the clamps.
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Re: Saggy offside rear

Post by Jaba »

I think David has got it. The 16v A/R bar is splined so could have been misfitted or come loose at one end or the splines are fubarred. Strange thing to have happened though.
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Re: Saggy offside rear

Post by white exec »

Good bit of detective work. Let's see what you find.