Stereo System

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Stereo System

Post by pdl1989 »

I have a 92 Citroen BX tzi. I want to install a good stereo system and am looking for suggestions on something that would suit, and am curious to know what other people have installed in their own.
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Re: Stereo System

Post by white exec »

Nothing hugely exciting - just a rather good Sony - a CDX-G1302 (green display - others colours available), from Amazon.
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Re: Stereo System

Post by rutter123 »

I have a pioneer head and a 100w amp which I fitted new about 15yr ago, I would suggest changing the front door speakers if you are upgrading as the original units are rubbish and the rear ones will have disintergrated if you have them, You will also need a switched 12v+ supply for a modern unit which the bx doesn't have but easy enough to fit.
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Re: Stereo System

Post by Pcheaven »

Pretty much any used head unit from the 90’s and 2000’s will be fine. As would newer models.
A few tips .

1. modern ish radios generally use an ISO connector block which is a industry standard. The bx uses proprietary plugs. I managed to get a bx to ISO converter cable from ebay. It saved me re wiring.
2. The aerial lead is painfully short and a pain to refit. A 10cm extension does save lots of fiddling around
3. As mentioned a ignition switched live would be required. This is easily sorted using piggy back fuses on a switched circuit.
4. You may find it easier to quickly remove the glove. Ox when adding an ignition live etc. Makes for tidier wiring and a quicker job.
5. As mentioned above. Factory door speakers are well past it now. I changed mine for alpines. Straight swap. Sounds much better.

Good luck.
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Re: Stereo System

Post by Kitch »

I'm not even bothering with mine. I'll hide an amp under the driver's seat and run a cable to my phone for Spotify etc. Head unit can be the original one, which will just light up and look cool.
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Re: Stereo System

Post by pdl1989 »

Thanks for the responses. Now I’ve got a general idea of what needs doing.