1.9 Diesel engine wanted

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1.9 Diesel engine wanted

Post by Qlirimkovaqi »

My bx 1.9 engine broke, it overheated so I’m looking for a new engine, if anyone knows where I can find a new diesel engine please let me know
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Re: 1.9 Diesel engine wanted

Post by white exec »

Assuming not some catastrophic event, if it simply overheated, quite likely that the head gasket will have blown/leaked as the cylinder head warped with the excess heat. The XUD 1.9 can suffer this, if the cooling system is not operating properly - eg lack of coolant, or an airlock. The block, pistons, crank...will have probably survived unaffected. The camshaft and valvegear should be ok to re-use too.

It you can get hold of a new/reconditioned cylinder head (and new head gasket kit) you can probably get everything back working again. My advice would be don't think of re-using your existing head; once they have warped, they are are likely to fail again. The life of these engines can be in excess of 600,000km, so worth repairing.

Can you add 'Kosovo' to your location, which will help members know where you are? Thanks.
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Re: 1.9 Diesel engine wanted

Post by David »

If it's been overheated, then it's unlikely that your block is damaged; it'll probably just be the head gasket & possibly head itself.

Someone's just posted some diesel cylinder heads for sale, amongst other things.


It might be worth looking in to.

Hope that helps.
1992 Citroën BX 1.9 Diesel Meteor 4x4 - The Project.

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