BX Auto Windows Switches

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BX Auto Windows Switches

Post by krekov »

I have managed to purchase a control box for the automatic windows, but I only have the normal switches.
Do they work the same as those other ones, meant for the automatic windows, or will something explode if I plug them in?
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Re: BX Auto Windows Switches

Post by David »

The internals are wired differently, so you can't just plug 'normal' switches into them without moving some wires.

Ideally you'll need to get an 'auto' switch for it.

If you're stuck, you can get 2 'normal' switches to work in its place though, just until you can find an 'auto' switch.

In the wires going up to the switch, one is a different colour to the other 4 (brown iirc), this one will need another wire splicing into it and send them to the middle pin of both 'normal' switches, then the inner (green, pins 3 & 4 iirc) wires go to the outer most pins in one 'normal switch, and the outer most wires (green, pins 1 & 6 iirc) go the the outer most pins in the other 'normal' switch. This way, one switch will move the window a bit and the other will wind it all the way.

Hope that helps.
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