Fitting AC to a 16V

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Re: Fitting AC to a 16V

Post by Vanny »

AC_Pulley.JPG (8.42 KiB) Viewed 927 times
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Re: Fitting AC to a 16V

Post by white exec »

You have me confused, Vanny.
Which can't you find - the idler, or a tensioner? I think they're one of the same.
16v BX AC belt_tension roller.JPG
Part #9 is labelled tensioner, and looks like your photo.

On the autodoc site, the Spidan and Gates idler/tensioners both have four holes; the Gates T36007 has the same hole arrangement as your photo, with the square hole obviously for tensioning. (The QH, god bless 'em, does look like an idler only.)

Parts digram for the 16S alternator shows it as including a belt-tensioner, but that's likely for non-AC 16S cars...
16v BX AC belt_tension at alternator.JPG
On the AC diesels, the size of the double-ended support bolt was increased from M8 to M12 (for obvious reasons!). Wonder whether anything similar happened with the petrols? The Parts diagram suggests not, as the securing nut on the end of the idler is stated as M8. Wonder whether there's any scope for drilling out the 8mm securing hole in the tensioner to 10mm, and using M10 right through?
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Re: Fitting AC to a 16V

Post by Vanny »

They are one in the same, and it is item number 9, but they don't exist.

Yes, Autodoc lists them at an eye-watering price I would actually pay, but look closer, they are all 'not in stock' and have been for a long time. Despite the updated part number (was 96 014 527) Citroen haven't stocked them for as long as I've been looking for a replacement.

I did track one down, but the bearing is shot and there doesn't appear to be a way to separate the housing and centre core from the bearing its self. I suspect it was all pressed together long ago and corroded tight.

I'd love to find one, but I've turned over so many stones, I've accepted I'll have to find an alternative solution. Possibly the 405 Mi16 arrangement.
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Re: Fitting AC to a 16V

Post by white exec »

Not easy.
Gates do a T36761, which is 70.5mm diam, 26 wide, with 8mm mounting hole, and the square tensioner socket. ... 2888-312-p
but also o.o.Stock.
Citroen's 6453.S3 (NFP) looks similar - used on XMII & 605. Listed as available from Pieces de Rechange.

Wasn't able to find an 85mm diam version, but 71 might do, with/without a belt length change.
If the 85diam is critical, you might be able to sleeve it up to that, only 7mm all round.
Or an off-the-shelf high-quality 85mmOD ballrace, with a DIY centre?

That 8mm shaft diameter is something I wouldn't be happy with.