Available to collect from Rich at Southways Automotive in Fareham if it is any use to anyone are the back and middle boxes in stainless steel just removed from my GTi. Please note the pipe is 63mm so larger than a standard exhaust. It is a Powerflow exhaust and was originally fitted in May 2022.
Again I stress it is for collection only, so please do not expect Rich to post out. Of course if anyone would like to make a donation to the running of my BX then you are more than welcome
The honest answer is that it was just too loud for me, although less of an issue at 70+. A lot of people said it sounded good from outside which it did in a boy racer way! Didn’t make any difference to the performance, although aesthetically the bigger tail pipe looked better!
Thanks for asking but I'm afraid that it is for collection only - sorry that doesn't help you, but I thin that it would be very difficult and expensive.
And if anyone else is interested in this I saw Rich a couple of week ago and the exhaust is still in his workshop.