Ive already bought a few care packages from Rob.BXTASY wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2024 11:36 pm From a fellow BX owner in Texas! In the DFW area contact Javel, the Dallas shop with the best parts inventory in the US. He has a BX 16-valve, a parts BX 16, and various other Citroens and Peugeots around.
We should meet up there if you're ever in north Texas. Your photos are similar to my rig when I picked up my '88 BX 19 GTI (via container from Rotterdam) at the importer's place near Houston Hobby Airport, several years ago. That makes 9 BX models in the US that I know of, found several on BringATrailer. Looks a bit strange to have a fuel hose in a car on a trailer, unless it's push-pull. What are the specs. on yours?

Specs on the car? 1.9 8V GTI.