Hydraulic pipe sizes (low pressure)

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Hydraulic pipe sizes (low pressure)

Post by Baldbazza »

I want to get a small quantity of low-pressure hydraulic return pipe to repair a leak in the GT and to start replacing dodgy-looking pipework to stave off the next inevitable flood of vulcan blood... :roll:

Pleiades sells various diameters of the stuff in metre lengths.

Anyone got any tips about what diameters I should get in for the GT, and what would be sensible lengths?

Any other tips about suppliers or alternative piping? (I understand it needs to be special stuff to avoid contaminating the LHM).
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Post by AndersDK »

LHM is mineral oil based - like engine oil and fuel.
Standard fuel hosing will last as well.
Its the internal diameter you must go for. Some hosing fits over 3.5mm rigid pipes - other hosing fits over the reservoir plastic studs - presumely 6mm.
Resevoir hosings are however fabricated with one diameter to fit the stud - and a smaller diameter for the run of the hose. Thats why the hose often splits again shortly after the usual cut-back and re-fit repair.

Your Citroen dealer would likely stock the genuine hosing at least one size in rolls. You can always purchase some lenght for repair.
C U / Anders - '90red16riBreak - '91GrisDolment16meteor - Project'88red19trsBreak
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