Sunny Wakefield today to see my mate Ken, as per usual he's a gent & a legend, learnt a lot today.
All you's saying its a 5 min job to change the glow plugs, erm no, even Ken i think was surprised by the lack of access, the main air pipe to the airbox was taken off & then the top plastic cover that sits above the engine to make access at least possible. We compared my set-up to Ken's motors, & his deffo seemed nicer access than mine, well it is my car afterall & as i've found out over the years although it's a good un, it does have unusual things happen to it that have never happened before
There were 2 dead glowplugs, so i must have been doing well to get the bugger to start when it was approx -10
Also replaced the crank seal at the pump end as it was leaking. Re-tightened up the belt as well, was going to put a new belt on but realised the one i had must have been for my gti, so it was waaaay to big

At least i know how to do it now, so i'll get a replacement belt shortly & fit it when its warmer.
Ken kindly looked at the handbrake cables, nowt wrong with them, it would appear that they were iced up when they were one, when i released the handbrake the cables stayed in place & came off the runners, so just had to re-attach & now i've got my handbrake back & working great.
Bit of duct tape over the main pipe that goes into the thermostat, it was showing a bit of wear where the air pipe was rubbing it, hopefully keep that going for a bit longer.
Cheers Ken, it's great when the jobs go well & merry xmas mate.
I'm booked into Westroen next week to get some nice rear spheres fitted, so looking forward to the ride & handling to improve, it currently feels like a normal sprung car
Now what else needs doing