Tell us about life with your BX, or indeed life in general!
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Post by white exec »

Were there many GTi autos sold?
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Post by deltic »

This is far from exact, but if we look at the data on How Many Left? we can get an idea of the proportion of the cars in the UK. My apologies if I've made any errors. Also bear in mind that a proportion of cars shown as on SORN* could well be scrapped and also there could be imports of foreign cars.

In 1994 there were:
181674 BXs of which 12980 (excluding 4x4s) were GTis (7.8%) of which 1018 were automatics (0.56% of all BXs and 7.8% of all GTis)

For comparison the latest figures show:
1348* BXs of which 98 are GTis (7.3%) of which 12 are automatics (0.8% of all BXs and 12.2% of all GTi's)

Proportionally autos have survived better than manuals, indeed 2 of the 12 are parked on my drive...

Not surprisingly 16vs have survived even better with 3430 (1.9% of all BX) falling to 123 (9.1% of all BXs) and for comparison for 4x4s there were 492 (0.3%) of which 25 (1.9%) survive.

*Only 246 cars are registered and 1102 are on SORN. Any BX on the road is a rare car! Again by comparison on the 3000 miles or so of the 2019 Challenge I saw about 7-8 BXs on the road in France.
1991 BX GTi auto, grey, 137,000 miles (2015, 2017 & 2019 Citroen Classic Challenge veteran)
1991 BX GTi auto, grey, 95,000 miles (2022 & 2023 Citroen Classic Challenge veteran)
2006 C4 VTR+ 2.0 Coupé, silver, 78,000 miles (RIP)
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Post by deltic »

Tim Leech wrote: Thu Sep 30, 2021 12:29 pm And its now on to a new loving owner, he's been after it for a while, and has a stunning GTi auto, and other cars, he has more space and more available funds than I so it was a good choice.
As a matter of interest what colour was the GTi auto?
1991 BX GTi auto, grey, 137,000 miles (2015, 2017 & 2019 Citroen Classic Challenge veteran)
1991 BX GTi auto, grey, 95,000 miles (2022 & 2023 Citroen Classic Challenge veteran)
2006 C4 VTR+ 2.0 Coupé, silver, 78,000 miles (RIP)
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Post by Jaba »

My GTi is registered as an Auto except that it actually isn't. It has a manual gearbox. It will be going to SORN soon for the winter as I will not be using it.
I expect the www.howmanyleft totals are changing all the time.
The Joy of BX with just one Citroën BX to my name now. Will I sing Bye Bye to my GTI or will it be Till death us do part.
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Post by white exec »

From those 1994 figures, the auto version of the GTi was surprisingly popular (at 7.8%) - far more so than the 0.56% for all BXs.
Could well be that as BX diesels were hugely popular, and diesel+automatic not always a spritely combination, that could account for the 0.56%.
One stereotype for the GTi owner is someone with sporty/'racing' inclinations, and you could assume that that would result in a manual 'box. In practice, I guess the extra power of the GTi was attractive in itself, and also helped to offset the small performance-blunting of the auto 'box.
As recent auto boxes go, the one fitted to BX/ZX etc has turned out to be decently robust.
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Post by deltic »

Jaba wrote: Sat Oct 02, 2021 12:00 am My GTi is registered as an Auto except that it actually isn't. It has a manual gearbox. It will be going to SORN soon for the winter as I will not be using it.
I expect the www.howmanyleft totals are changing all the time.
Exactly why I added that there were various caveats. Indeed you have reminded me that insurance searches for my "new" GTi always show it as a manual rather than an automatic, so I do wonder if it is actually showing on How Many Left? as a manual rather than an automatic...
1991 BX GTi auto, grey, 137,000 miles (2015, 2017 & 2019 Citroen Classic Challenge veteran)
1991 BX GTi auto, grey, 95,000 miles (2022 & 2023 Citroen Classic Challenge veteran)
2006 C4 VTR+ 2.0 Coupé, silver, 78,000 miles (RIP)
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Post by deltic »

white exec wrote: Sat Oct 02, 2021 7:54 am From those 1994 figures, the auto version of the GTi was surprisingly popular (at 7.8%) - far more so than the 0.56% for all BXs.
Could well be that as BX diesels were hugely popular, and diesel+automatic not always a spritely combination, that could account for the 0.56%.
One stereotype for the GTi owner is someone with sporty/'racing' inclinations, and you could assume that that would result in a manual 'box. In practice, I guess the extra power of the GTi was attractive in itself, and also helped to offset the small performance-blunting of the auto 'box.
As recent auto boxes go, the one fitted to BX/ZX etc has turned out to be decently robust.
From what I can see in 1994 there were 7913 BX automatics listed (including GTis) which is not much more than 4% of all BXs at that time, which does make the GTi auto relatively more common accounting for around 13% of all the automatics. Compared to now I think that automatics were generally less popular and I think that diesel autos will be quite rare survivors - so it was nice to see Pauls' low mileage, white, diesel auto at the GS/A rally last weekend.

Personally when we were looking for a GTI back in 2002 I did not want an auto as my previous experience of autos (largely my father's Hondas) was not good, with their gearboxs continually hunting up and down. That said I did learn to drive on our semi-hydraulic DS23... Again it was chance that my recent BX acquisition was an auto, rather any bias towards them. That said I have enjoyed the GTi autos as they do make for a relaxed cruiser particularly around town or in traffic, but sadly that comes with the penalty of poor fuel consumption. And on twisty alpine road doubtless they are less fun unless you work the gearbox a bit.

At rallies I'm always surprised at the interest in the GTi autos or surprise that one was ever made, indeed I think I could probably have sold mine twice over last weekend...
1991 BX GTi auto, grey, 137,000 miles (2015, 2017 & 2019 Citroen Classic Challenge veteran)
1991 BX GTi auto, grey, 95,000 miles (2022 & 2023 Citroen Classic Challenge veteran)
2006 C4 VTR+ 2.0 Coupé, silver, 78,000 miles (RIP)
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Post by Jaba »

I think it all depends on what your V5C shows as the model. If your model is listed like mine as BX19 GTI AUTO then How many left will use that as its classification.
I tried to get my model corrected once by ringing DVLA and telling them the AUTO model was wrong and asked them to correct it. They went away and looked up the original manufacturer notification from 1990 and as that too said AUTO they could not retrospectively change it.
The Joy of BX with just one Citroën BX to my name now. Will I sing Bye Bye to my GTI or will it be Till death us do part.
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Post by white exec »

The DVLA (and thus HowManyLeft?) model categories can be pretty hopeless, and were obviously created from all the various descriptions that got entered on the V5's.

For real muddle, try Rover 3500 - which nicely scrambles P5B, P6B auto, P6B 3500S manual, and all the V8 variants of SD1. The one and only P6BS might even be in there somewhere!

For our BX errors, going into ServiceBox via VIN would at least list how the car left the factory.

I'm not surprised at the reactions of folk to a GTi auto, and more so a 16v auto. Seems something of contradiction.

I must own up to having run a ZX 1.9D Avantage NA auto, from new to around 90k miles, as a work car in and around London and the south-east, doing just over 30k miles a year. An interesting vehicle, comfortable (except for the short seat squab), exceptionally well screwed together, but decidedly leisurely. Why choose one of those? Well, my company switched everyone over to diesel, and I needed an auto, so choice (in the allowed price range) was b*gger all. Next one was a Xantia 1.8i auto, in Wicked Red, and an altogether much more relaxing drive. Even had Cruise and 6CD thrown in... Cruise+Auto was an interesting combination, with the Cruise maintaining speed in any one of the gear ratios plus t/c lock-up it decided to operate in!
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Post by deltic »

Jaba wrote: Sat Oct 02, 2021 1:47 pm I think it all depends on what your V5C shows as the model. If your model is listed like mine as BX19 GTI AUTO then How many left will use that as its classification.
I tried to get my model corrected once by ringing DVLA and telling them the AUTO model was wrong and asked them to correct it. They went away and looked up the original manufacturer notification from 1990 and as that too said AUTO they could not retrospectively change it.
Interestingly both mine are listed as "BX 19 GTi"...
1991 BX GTi auto, grey, 137,000 miles (2015, 2017 & 2019 Citroen Classic Challenge veteran)
1991 BX GTi auto, grey, 95,000 miles (2022 & 2023 Citroen Classic Challenge veteran)
2006 C4 VTR+ 2.0 Coupé, silver, 78,000 miles (RIP)
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Post by deltic »

white exec wrote: Sat Oct 02, 2021 2:08 pm The DVLA (and thus HowManyLeft?) model categories can be pretty hopeless, and were obviously created from all the various descriptions that got entered on the V5's.

For real muddle, try Rover 3500 - which nicely scrambles P5B, P6B auto, P6B 3500S manual, and all the V8 variants of SD1. The one and only P6BS might even be in there somewhere!

For our BX errors, going into ServiceBox via VIN would at least list how the car left the factory.

I'm not surprised at the reactions of folk to a GTi auto, and more so a 16v auto. Seems something of contradiction.

I must own up to having run a ZX 1.9D Avantage NA auto, from new to around 90k miles, as a work car in and around London and the south-east, doing just over 30k miles a year. An interesting vehicle, comfortable (except for the short seat squab), exceptionally well screwed together, but decidedly leisurely. Why choose one of those? Well, my company switched everyone over to diesel, and I needed an auto, so choice (in the allowed price range) was b*gger all. Next one was a Xantia 1.8i auto, in Wicked Red, and an altogether much more relaxing drive. Even had Cruise and 6CD thrown in... Cruise+Auto was an interesting combination, with the Cruise maintaining speed in any one of the gear ratios plus t/c lock-up it decided to operate in!
Was there ever a 16v auto?!

The ZX is ver under rated and the Xantia a very good looking car.
1991 BX GTi auto, grey, 137,000 miles (2015, 2017 & 2019 Citroen Classic Challenge veteran)
1991 BX GTi auto, grey, 95,000 miles (2022 & 2023 Citroen Classic Challenge veteran)
2006 C4 VTR+ 2.0 Coupé, silver, 78,000 miles (RIP)
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Post by deltic »

And yes we must show caution with some of the data!!!
1991 BX GTi auto, grey, 137,000 miles (2015, 2017 & 2019 Citroen Classic Challenge veteran)
1991 BX GTi auto, grey, 95,000 miles (2022 & 2023 Citroen Classic Challenge veteran)
2006 C4 VTR+ 2.0 Coupé, silver, 78,000 miles (RIP)
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Post by white exec »

deltic wrote: Sat Oct 02, 2021 2:30 pm Was there ever a 16v auto?!
Have just had a squint at the Range brochure - and no, there wasn't.
Auto an option on the 8v GTi only.
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Post by deltic »

Shame, I was hoping you'd made a new discovery!
1991 BX GTi auto, grey, 137,000 miles (2015, 2017 & 2019 Citroen Classic Challenge veteran)
1991 BX GTi auto, grey, 95,000 miles (2022 & 2023 Citroen Classic Challenge veteran)
2006 C4 VTR+ 2.0 Coupé, silver, 78,000 miles (RIP)
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Post by white exec »

There always has to be a first . . . 8)