Talking B____X

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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Way2go »

Philip Chidlow wrote:Didn't try them as it's a bit of a faff. I have to supply my old cables as far as I can tell (maybe I'm misunderstanding it) and they use them as a pattern. And it's about £50 inc VAT. Got a replacement upper cable from Rob.
Didn't someone post recently that they couldn't get a satisfactory result with them (SC) for the BX? I seem to remember that possibly the end bits were incompatible and speedy cables gave them their money back.
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Philip Chidlow »

Ah, well, it's a bit academic as far as I'm concerned as I've not gone down that route, but might be worth Rob researching before even considering it. But then again it's entirely up to him! I'm sure he's got enough on his plate at the moment what with Andy as a client lol
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by mat_fenwick »

Ian Fearn used Richfield Speedograph, who charged just over £20.

From the photos it appears as though they manufactured a complete new cable without using parts from the old one, which apparently Speedy Cables would have needed to do. You'd probably still have to send a pattern though unless they took measurements from Ian's.

FWIW, I used them to make up a custom cable for the V8 Hyundai, and they were able to supply everything I needed for that too. Spot on with the service via email, and turned it round within a day for under £30 delivered, so it appears as though they've improved in service from what Ian experienced. By contrast, SC didn't even reply to my email enquiry!

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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Philip Chidlow »

Henri's back home. Oil leak fixed, Speedo fixed, All brakes bled, with new flexi's, rear discs and pads etc, new rear spheres fitted, steering checked and fine, boot floor, exhaust hanger welded, and.... that's about it for now! Phew. Oh hang on, tracking checking and exhaust to do... but that can wait until the spring. As can the sunroof drain tubes.... but I do have a new stereo and speakers to put in...

It rides superbly now - the brakes are back to being their powerful best and the rear behaves... I'm a (poorer) happy bunny.
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Philip Chidlow »

Oh, and it does need a bloody good clean and polish!
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Philip Chidlow »

Black chevrons? Or keep them silver???

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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Tinkley »

Silver and correct way up, unlike one of the BX for sale currently..... :wink:

Re: Talking B____X

Post by Mothman »

Looking good Phil, now use it and enjoy. Well done bud.
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Paul296 »

Keep it silver (looking good =D> )
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by mat_fenwick »

I'd say black would look good on a white car. I actually changed mine to black as I thought it looked better, seeing as chrome ones were the only shiny thing on the car!

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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Philip Chidlow »

I tend to agree Mat. The TZD logo on the C pillars is black... I think I'll Photoshop a version first...
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Philip Chidlow »

Keeping them chrome... And decided it'll have correct (silver) wheel trims and, when it's possible, refurbished silver Speedlines...
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Talking B____X

Post by Philip Chidlow »

Just back from a run in the BX... Much, much happier now. I still think the tracking might be off and the stereo/speakers're naff... But there's still one more leak to sort. It's either rear suspension or where the fuel pipes go up under the bottom of the rear seat, but there's no appreciable diesel smell - certainly not in the cabin so it's probably weeping from the join between pipe and hose? Too dark to check it out and to cold and muddy to scrabble around sniffing the residue on the road... Or it could be a low pressure LHM leak from around the area of the o/s rear wheel. Anyway I'll get it checked out on a lift...

But not feeling negative, I'm pleased the cars finally feeling properly BX like :)
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Tinkley »

Might be the return from the rear height corrector? Or a bit more serious the high pressure ones about to give real grief where they go over the rear subframe. The former is much more likely as the latter tends to let you know about it!. Sometimes the rubber gets a bit old. In fact it may even be the height corrector weeping. This has literally just happened to mine but the guy working on it had a NOS unit hiding away so it has been swapped.

The tell tale for the corrector is a relatively fast sink after parking even though all the spheres are good. After mine was changed it did not drop from full height for a week, apparently.
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by mds141 »

The chevrons on the front of my valver are black, so I'm guessing that's the factory look. This might be like teaching grandmothers to suck eggs, but you have checked your tyre pressures Phil?
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