Talking B____X

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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Philip Chidlow »

Has it really been so long since I posted on here? (!) A quick update: preparation of the BX for the Challenge in June is a priority, but in all honesty it's not wanting for much. As far as I know! It'll go on a lift next month for a good root around and service. A pair of new foglights and some other small bits. In fact, looking forward to taking it on a 460 mile round trip to my Mum's, last week of Feb. That should give it a decent workout which could (but I hope doesn't) bring any issues to my attention.

A further update soon. And hopefully some pics. After all this year is my BX's 25th Birthday year - and the 35th Anniversary of the BX as a whole so it deserves some attention :)
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Way2go »

Congrats on turning a Century of pages here Phil. 8)
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Philip Chidlow »

OMG Just realised. How sad! :)
• 1992 Citroen BX TZD Turbo Hurricane
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Philip Chidlow »

So there's me carefully negotiating the purchase of a low miles BX GTi which appeared on FB and some knob ruins it all by contacting the seller telling him it's worth £3-5k. And this sowed enough doubt so guess what - the seller (understandably maybe as he knows nothing about BXs or their values) is now bunging it on eBay to see how much it reaches.

Thanks Mr. Knob.
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Kitch »

Hmmmmm......£3k, possibly, but it'd need to be PERFECT. £5k? They're on crack!

I advised her not to mug it away, because I was worried she'd have people offering her a few hundred quid and she'd know no better. Funny that the opposite happened!

Don't worry Phil, it's 8 valves short of a proper BX anyway :p
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Philip Chidlow »

Moving on, as they say... :) I'm looking at something else. lol
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Philip Chidlow »

I'll be back soon. I need time away from the CCC stuff on FB etc. And as I'm looking forward to BX ownership once more, in the near future I thought I'd get back into the habit of visiting this most estimable of Forums.
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by jamescarruthers »

Welcome back to civilisation!
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Jaba »

Welcome back to BX ownership Phil. How long for this time though ?? You have let some lovely ones go in the past. TZD hurricane is a great one to have though.
The Joy of BX with just one Citroën BX to my name now. Will I sing Bye Bye to my GTI or will it be Till death us do part.
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Philip Chidlow »

I have had several BXs in recent years - some better than others... the last TZD Turbo I had (sold in summer 2017) managed to do two Challenges in France and never let me down although it did a good job of emptying my wallet. When I sold that I was seriously contemplating the chance to take on a Visa GTi, but in the end (and fortunately) that didn't happen.

I have been hugely distracted from here (and from BXs in general) since thanks to my involvement as a director of the CCC and admin of the club's FB page, what with the Centenary coming up next year. I have now been given the chance to rejoin the BX fold. And, (not hedging my bets, honestly lol) for good measure I hope to get a Xantia sorted in the next few months.

Then I will own three Citroens. Normal service will be resumed!
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by mds141 »

I need to reinvest my time on the BXC forum again, so here I am. Welcome back to BX ownership Phil. X
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Jaba »

And welcome back Mark too !
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Philip Chidlow »

I did have an issue with a TZD Turbo estate I bought from Geoff recently - but it wasn't the car or Geoff's fault. It seems for whatever reason driving it seriously aggravated a calf/tendon injury I had (and which recurs now and then). I couldn't get the right position in the car to avoid the clutch operation becoming ever more painful, so sold it on.

This upset me, but now, having driven the Hurricane (I have my fingers firmly crossed) that issue isn't there - it could be a short break from driving a BX has allowed my leg to heal. I am however mindful of the fact it needs a new clutch; something I'm getting done next week - along with new cable, bushes and lubrication. Hopefully the clutch'll be nice and light and will not punish my leg! :)
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Jaba »

The TD clutch I find is lighter than the push rod petrol type clutch. But the lightness or otherwise of a BX clutch can be affected badly if the clutch cable is not installed 100% correctly. It must have a smooth run and the fiddly retainer at the pedal end must be secure.

Muscle /tendon damage is something that is usually completely healed within 6 weeks. A good physio will sort you out Phil. I use one from time to time when I get minor injuries usually as a result of too much skiing with younger guys and not driving a BX !
The Joy of BX with just one Citroën BX to my name now. Will I sing Bye Bye to my GTI or will it be Till death us do part.
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Re: Talking B____X

Post by Philip Chidlow »

I'll have to see how the BX feels with it's new clutch - currently in the workshop hopefully pick up next Tuesday.
• 1992 Citroen BX TZD Turbo Hurricane
• 2006 Xsara Picasso 1.6 16v