Guess what dog i've got Phil, a minature schnauzer

Fantastic dog, really good fun, dont quite know what i used to do before she was in our lives. Its true what they say, man's best friend. And if you're worried about shedding hair, these are the best at not doing so, very little fluffage in our house
Dont forget, the standard & giant sized one's as well, the standard is pretty large & the large one is rather pony sized

It won crufts this year if you watched it, magnificent specimen.
Yup, clearing up dog shit isnt great, but thats the only downside to her, at least it gets picked up, unlike the fucking cats round here, one of which even managed to shit in a large plant pot, disgusting creatures i'm afraid.
I did have a lovely cat when i was a kid, but he was a semi-wild ginger tom & we lived in the countryside, so he was ace, his name was William. Always makes me smile when i was out & about & my mum was shouting out at the top of her voice "WILLY" its dindins

Ah, the 1970's, he was my 1st & last cat, none of the rancid mogs round here can compare, so i'll never get another, especially after gettin Poppy (the dog).