I was in Tignes...bit of a late notice thing when someone dropped out of a holiday my mate arranged (which I had backed out of due to costs). So I got a place on the trip cheaply, but did require some domestic 'smoothing over'!
A few more pictures:
The last one I was very unlucky/lucky shortly afterwards, as it was ridiculously steep and icy and I lost an edge when turning. Once I'd hit the deck there was no stopping me, and I slid down the hill in a rapid tumble. The girl who I was with said she'd never seen anything like it, and all she could do was shout "Fuuuuuuuuucckkk!" as I shot past her. Fortunately no broken bones, as I was trying to dig in enough to slow down, but not enough to stop dead and break something. All that would happen is I would slow as I dragged a ski, and then flip head over heels again
In the end, a stranger managed to ski past me, and then deliberately slow down so I crashed into him, and then he brought both of us to a stop. I was incredibly grateful and very impressed by his skill!
Back home at the weekend to find one of the logging lorries had hit our fence
So had to winch it upright again before packing the hole with wedge shaped stones. Also moved some large boulders into position for a little bit of protection - at least it wasn't the house he hit!