The End of Everything

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Post by toddao »


I find it quite funny that before the invasion of Afghanistan in 2002 that the Taliban had almost entirely stopped the production and export of Heroin. A few years later and we're seeing record levels of production in Afghanistan - the highest ever. Why did we go to war?
To protect the supply to our citizens while pocketing wads of $$$$s -that's Democracy Folks!
And it's been going on forever. Without wanting to get into any debates I question whether Britain was ever great in anything other than its propaganda. The Empire was built on slavery and drug addiction through the peddling of opium.
The greatest thing about Britain is that which still remains in my opinion - the humour!

( Ok, I don't live there anymore and the sun is blazing here and maybe I do understand why I swapped the Crack head addled alleys of Brixton for this but I still miss it. Not the Crack but the craic..)

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Post by jonathan_dyane »

On the FG, yes they are indeed things of beauty, and great to drive!

It must be fun with the ambulance with power coupled with the dreaded brakes...

This is the item in question when he bought it: here and here

It looked good but was rotten (but cheap!) he's since sorted out the cab floor and the brakes (still crap) and made a nice body for it. Road legal now, but the next job is to sort out the engine (slight big end grumble) which is indeed the mighty 2.2 BMC diesel; if only there was a way of harnessing the energy which seems to be wasted making an incredible amount of noise rather than motion!

Will take a few current pics when I'm back 'up north' in a couple of weeks...

BTW, he doesn't do computers, I'm on the FG group, but it's awful quiet...
"Boring damned people. All over the earth. Propagating more boring damned people. What a horror show. The earth swarmed with them." -Charles Bukowski
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Post by docchevron »

Mate thats a thing of rare beauty!

Ok, I'm far to pissed to actually type anything of substance, but I shall return, and expand on Todds thoughts when I'm more, er, not pissed.

TheFG yahoo group thing is rather QT..

Maybe we should take over the BXC with FG's! (only kidding Jon, Maybe..!)

Jonathon, I've never met you, but you are now officially one of my bestest mates!

FG's do infact RULE.

I've gota go to bed! I have to be up the farm in, er, christ, not many hours....
Smokes lots, because enough's enough already!

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Post by jonathan_dyane »

Cheers, FG's are the way forward man! I'm somewhat pished also, but when we meet rest assured I'm buying the first round...
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Post by toddao »

That FG's perfect for the campaign vehicle for ' Doc for President' :D

' Making Britain Great once more'

1. Bring back smoking in pubs, in fact make it obligatory
2. Making the drinking of lager a prisonable act
3. More swearing in all areas of society
4. Using junkies and drug addicts to generate electricity by rigging them up to huge Hamster wheels ( with a baggie of crack dangling in front of them)
5. Using a giant pair of Y-Fronts as the national flag and getting Dodgyteeth to write the new National anthem..

I would vote for you Doc, but I'm too stoned to get off the sofa Image

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Post by docchevron »

Actually I do have some political ambition. But I dont want to be a politician.
Since anyone that wants to actually BE a politician wants the power / money, they aint interested in actually changing anything, or making things better, it's a selfish act hidden in an agenda of "the greater good" as designed by the powers that be. And it's wrong.

All politicians should be outlawed.
The Government should be run as a business.
To expound:
Rather than selecting a cabinet of people based on how much they lick your arse or how many friends in high places they have, they should be selected from the top grade of people in their field.
For example, the economy should be run by the most brilliant mathmaticians / statisitions / bankers etc.

Law should be set out and thought about by the best lawyers and police chiefs.

And so it goes.
You cannot trust anyone that WANTS to be a politician, you just cant.

Thats why I have aspirations of wanting to be in parliament. Make sense?
I'll never be a politician, I have no interest in being a yes man, or wanting to further my carrer, or to make money.
I actually would like to see a "Great Britain" again.

To clarify exactley what I mean by GREAT BRITAIN, I'm not talking about reinstating a past of slavery and stiff upper lip hidden debauchery, but in a totally communial sense.
I'd like to see a Britain where it's safe to walk around alone at night and not be raped / murdered / mugged.
I'd like people to have a mutual respect for eachother.
I'd like to see a return to a real sense of "community", where you know your neighbours and everyone looks out for eachother.

I'd like to see a Britain where the authorities actually did what we bloody pay them to do, where violence and anti social behaviour is completley NOT tolerated, where communities are given the provisions they need, where people feel safe, and most importantley to give the power to a strong community to keep that community safe.
Lets face it, we've reached a point now where some rat bastard breaks into YOUR house to steal YOUR things. They fall over YOUR coffee table and fucking sue YOU. Just how arse about face is that.
A mans home is his castle. If some thieving scrote breaks into my house, or damages my property, or puts my immediate safety at risk, then I should have the right to not only defend MYSELF, but my property also.
If that means I kill him, then so what? I live peacefully, within the law and try not to have a negative impact on anyone elses lifestyle choices, so should everyone else.

I've no interest in apolagising for the past of this or any other country.
So my forefathers were probably slave traders. There's nowt I can do about it, and I cant apolagise for something that happened many generations ago.

I've got a mate whose German. He STILL gets agro from people about "the war". The guy is 25. He's a nice bloke, and he works hard, and yet he feels he must apolagise for something that happened years before he was even born. Thats wrong.
With his mates he can take a joke though, it's now standard practice to take the piss.
A while ago he stormed into the office and declared he was "really really angry", I replied with "how angry? angry enough to march into Poland?"
He laughed, I laughed, we moved on.

As an aside, how did the Germans beat the Poles in the war?
They marched into Poland backwards and the Poles thought they were leaving.
Boom Boom.
And before anyone starts hurling the racist tag my way, that joke was told to me ages ago by a very nice Polish chap called Woojanek (which is pronounced "voytek")...
Anyway, I'm not racist, I actually really do hate everyone.

Life is a very temporary thing, and yet not only different nations, but even people within a small community seem to spend their whole bloody lives trying to destroy everyone elses lives.
Why should anyone have to tolerate that?

Why dont more poeple scream very loudly "I've had enough of this shit and I'm not going to take it anymore"?

Why dont more people actually get off their arses and DO something?

One little voice shouting makes little noise, 60 million voices all shouting in unison makes a relly big noise.

I detest apathy, and all I see in this country now is apathy.
It's apathetic.
In all honetsy if I was in charge I'd probably nuke the whole country, frankly it's what we deserve.
Smokes lots, because enough's enough already!

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A take on religion.

Post by docchevron »

Had an "interesting" debate / discussion with my neighbour, quite a while ago, he's a devout catholic, who took it upon himself to point out that I was going to burn in hell because not only do I not go to church, but I dont believe in god.

His reasoning for my attitude was not that I have free will and made my own decisions but that I was being controlled by the devil. Yep, Satan clearly resides in my house!

I don't impose my way of thought upon him so what / who gives him the right to impose his beliefs on me??

Correct me if I'm wrong but what causes 99.9% of all wars? The price of eggs or religion?

Assuming that "God" exists you have to question his planning and forethought!

First, he creates Earth, which revolves around a sun that has a finite life span. In 3.5 ish Billion years the sun will run out of combustable gas and will destroy the entire solar system of which we are a part.

I like the irony that the sun not only provided all life but will destroy it all in spectacular fashion. It rather gives me a wry smile infact.

Second (according to biblical reference) god creates Adam and Eve. Nice thought but the earth was spinning on it's axis for millions of years before "man" arrived and wrecked everything. Thats science fact. Human kind is just Darwinesque evolution, more than a slight flaw in the bible!

Third, the four gospels of the "new testament" are very contradictory, and were written years after the events recorded alledgedley took place.

As a work of fiction the bible is an epic to rival Tolkien (although I prefer Tolkien), but to be taken as a ledger of truth it's laughable.

I have no problem with anyone believing in god, whatever god you wish to pledge your trust in, but religion was created by man to control the masses through fear, and make alot of money in the process.

The whole who's god is more vicious / better / truer argument that has raged throughout time is just plain war mongering.

Any relationship anyone chooses to have with "god" should be a very personal thing, not dictated or controlled by any religion.

As for my neighbour, well, if he's right and I'm wrong then at least I'll be warm whilst burning in hell!
Smokes lots, because enough's enough already!

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Ticky Ticky, and Going Round Corners

Post by docchevron »

Whilst I was "assisting" in the recovery of a ZX Volcane TD on Saturday the stering failed in my TD.
No warning, just totally lost the PAS, but more than that, it felt seized.

So yesterday the car went up in the air.
Initially I thought FDV, or maybe the pinion. But probably the FDV I surmised, as this car seems to eat FDV's for a pasttime..

Since I had a good FDV and PR in stock I threw them on.
My reasoning for changing the PR aswell was that the tick time has been about 3 seconds for the last 2 years. Despite changing the Acc Sphere it was still dismal, and I knew the PR was stuffed, but it kinda went on the back burner of those jobs "to be done tomorrow"...

Anyway, in short changing the FDV and PR made no difference at all to the steering, which even with the front end suspened was tight as hell.

After alot of head scratching I pulled the ram off and threw it on the floor.
Then dad said "have a look at that".
Blimey! the ram was badly scored, worn throught he hardening and even more impressive, it had blued! :shock:
After closer inspection we noted the ram was bent.

God knows how that happened, the ram is not very old, it got changed a couple of years back, the last time the steering went all to cock.

Anyhow, after installing another non bent ram the difference is bloody amazing.
The steering feels better than it had for years, it's as good as the valver now, and thats always been exceptional.

Another bonus is the tick time, which has gone from 1.5 - 3 seconds to a whopping 72 seconds!

And as I type the car is still "up". 8 hours after I parked it. I dont recall it ever staying up that long.

Smokes lots, because enough's enough already!

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Post by Philip Chidlow »

Excellent. Did I notice ELF in your collection now? Is that the same black GTi that went to Ian via Billy when I sold it in around March 2006? If so, what's the story? How is she?
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Post by Philip Chidlow »

It was an auto - is that still the case?
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Post by docchevron »

ELF is indeed in the fleet, it's dad's daily driver.
It is indeed the ex Ian / Billy / Philip car!
And it's still auto, that's why dad bought it, clutches are a thing of evil.

It now sports a Le Mans interior and has had a bit done underneath to make it less er, creaky / sloppy in the suspension / steering department.

It goes rather well I thought, although I cant help but think it would benefit from the addition of a further 8 valves under the bonnet!

If dad's ameniable my plan is to take the turbo's to the National and the GTi's to Stratford. Subject to none of the fleet expiring betwixt now and then.

Needless to say ELF will be well cared for during it's time at Chevron Towers.
Smokes lots, because enough's enough already!

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Post by docchevron »

I'm increasingly convinced my TD actually wants to die.
After fixing the PAS at the weekend, three happy days of trouble free motoring with the best steering it's had in years resulted this evening in the damn thing pissing all it's green blood all over the road.

Given that it's 1 in the morning and dark I haven't really investigated, but I'll have to get up early and check it out since I'm doing a head gasket down the road a bit, before work.

The gearbox is plastered and there's a line of LHM up the road and round the corner for as far as the eye can see, and yet with the car running and laying under it with a torch I cant find a leak anywhere! It's gota be a hp pipe somewhere up the front though.

It never rains....
Smokes lots, because enough's enough already!

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Post by Philip Chidlow »

Sympathy for your plight, Chris. Hope you get it sorted. Is it leaking from the PAS ram area (pinion valve?) - I had a pretty extreme leak from there and one of the metal pipes had a hairline crack round it that only became apparent when the PAS was in use. Then it pi**ed everywhere.
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Post by RichardW »

maniac Citroen DIY mechanic wrote:since I'm doing a head gasket down the road a bit, before work.
:lol: That made me laugh - most people don't even know what a HG is let alone just pop out and change one BEFORE work!!

Bad luck on the leak doc - could it be the return from the PAS pinion? suffering excess flow now you've fixed the ram. I had one go where it bends over the metal spigot. Dumps all the fluid pretty fast, but confuses you since the suspension pressure stays (till all the LHM is pumped out anyway :roll: ).