I find it quite funny that before the invasion of Afghanistan in 2002 that the Taliban had almost entirely stopped the production and export of Heroin. A few years later and we're seeing record levels of production in Afghanistan - the highest ever. Why did we go to war?
To protect the supply to our citizens while pocketing wads of $$$$s -that's Democracy Folks!
And it's been going on forever. Without wanting to get into any debates I question whether Britain was ever great in anything other than its propaganda. The Empire was built on slavery and drug addiction through the peddling of opium.
The greatest thing about Britain is that which still remains in my opinion - the humour!
( Ok, I don't live there anymore and the sun is blazing here and maybe I do understand why I swapped the Crack head addled alleys of Brixton for this but I still miss it. Not the Crack but the craic..)