Time to resurect this topic.
Since the last post, the estate has remained sat in the barn until today. Kitch and I ventured to said barn, with the purpose of fitting the interior that Jay had kindly delivered.
We were greeted by this
Nevermind. Kitch had the task of climbing into the boot of the car with the aim of driving it out (I am clever you see, and wore shorts)
As he spent ages trying to kill a wasp inside the car I fitted the battery from the Alfa, topped up the water, and stood back. This was "The Estate" and it was bound to start first time......Kitch turned the key, and we were stunned by the sound of a sticky starter motor.....it did not start. Never fear, we tried again, and were overjoyed at the sound of her starting up. The suspension was set to high, and we drove the car out of the barn, weeds attached.
Once out of the barn we let it run for a bit, whilst adding more water, and taking a quick look at the bodywork. We then bolted in the drivers seat, and drove it down the field to the house to take a proper look.
Seems the barn had done a fair job in looking after "The Estate" and only a small amount of tin worm has been able to eat its bodywork. Currently it looks like after an initial inspection I need two wings, one quater panel and a slam panel.
We quickly brushed off the dust and other crap that had settled on the car, and fitted a very fetching and comfy tweed interior aquired from Jay.
After a quick tidy inside the car, it returned to the barn until I can find these parts, and somewhere to work on the car. Kitch had the pleasure of driving it back down to the barn
All in all a good day, and I am very please it started first time (almost) and it was a pleasure driving it. I had forgotten how spacious and smooth the BX is!